Happy Free RPG Day!
Our group played this system for a short bit. We loved the social combat system and the pooled resources. A good DM can absolutely make it feel like a Star Trek episode. Our problem with the system, is that you have to play the lawfull good guys for it to work well; just like a Star Trek episode. Our group likes to play morally grey.
What a neat coincidence that both this and the rule book for the other Star Trek TTRPG have both been posted within the last few days. Are there any others we should know about, LOL?
Well, there was the FASA game from the 80s, and Decipher had one in the 2000s.
Modiphius is the current license-holder, and has published both the First Edition under discussion here, and has a Second Edition coming out later this year.
Oh wow, thanks for the heads up!
I’m excited to check this out.
I spent a while reading through this, and I gotta say that this is a really good RPG book. It’s very thorough, it’s well written for suggesting ways to play, it’s attractively formatted. This is a cool book.
It is a pretty gorgeous book - my biggest complaint is that it can be hard to quickly find and reference specific rules during gameplay. I’m hopeful that the Second Edition will have some imrpovements on that front.
I agree with that. Looking through, I find understanding the basic rules to be kind of a burden. It took me a while to realize that “Operations” is the rules section.
I think it makes sense to show players the character sheet early, because that’s the nexus through which they really experience the game. I like the demo scene towards the beginning, but I think a quickstart guide to explain basic rules to the players very, VERY clearly is usually a good idea.
Still, I’m continuously impressed at how well this adapts Star Trek to an RPG. I was initially skeptical that an RPG could take all the nonsense we see in decades of different shows and create a cohesive basis for all of it, but this is really impressive. I’d have to play to see if the rules feel balanced and natural, but at a glance, they make far more sense than plenty of other RPGs I’ve seen. I think this looks like a really fun game.
I think the secret to its success is that it puts narrative first, which makes it adaptable to all sorts of Star Trek nonsense.
I just wish the rulebook didn’t embrace that ethos quite as much as it does!
Agree 100%
I bought this when it originally launched, and unfortunately never really found the time to play a campaign.
We were workshopping a TMP-era story based around a crew serving on a Miranda class vessel. Kind of a “back to basics” sort of campaign. I had really high hopes because Star Trek is absolutely my favorite universe to roleplay in.
I hope a bunch of people pick this rulebook up and have a fun time with it!
Lack of time is definitely the enemy of table top gaming. I feel very fortunate that I’ve managed to have an ongoing [mostly] weekly STA game for two and half years now.
Yeah. I got this a while ago too, but my friends from college now have jobs and live in 4 different time zones. It’s pretty hard organizing more than two of them being around for more than like an hour or so.