Carlson mainstreamed antisemitism for a long time, and conservatives seemed not to care. Then he set his sights on Israel.

    3 months ago

    It’s true that Palestinian Christians are suffering, though it’s largely because they are Palestinians rather than because they are Christians. Carlson’s message, however, does less to draw attention to the plight of the Palestinians than to pit Jews against Christians.

    I’d argue both are true.

    Oct 3 - Outrage over Jerusalem video of ultra-Orthodox Jews spitting as Christians pass

    A video of ultra-Orthodox Jews spitting on the ground beside a procession of foreign Christian worshippers carrying a wooden cross in the holy city of Jerusalem has ignited intense outrage and a flurry of condemnation in the Holy Land.

    Many say the government, with its powerful ultranationalist members, such as the finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, and the national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, has emboldened Jewish extremists and created a sense of impunity.

    “What happened with rightwing religious nationalism is that Jewish identity has been growing around anti-Christianity,” said Yisca Harani, a Christianity expert and founder of an Israeli hotline for anti-Christian assaults. “Even if the government doesn’t encourage it, they hint that there will be no sanctions.”

  • John
    3 months ago

    IMO the article is trash. It uses every chance to suggest that telling the truth about Israel is anti-jew and antisemitism. There is this problem people have where they grow to hate people so much like Trump or Tucker Carlson that if they said something so basic like that the Earth is round, you’d have people wanting to suddenly suggest it is flat cause they can’t imagine someone they hate ever saying something correct.

    There are a lot of reasons to dislike Tucker Carlson. However, not everything your enemy says or does has to be incorrect. In fact, believing that to be the case only makes you weak and vulnerable to being manipulated yourself.

      3 months ago

      It all boils down to the question if we should care about people arguing in bad faith.

      Carlson proved to be Putin’s mouthpiece, everything he says follows an agenda, which is, as mentioned in the article, to divide the US.

      Does it matter that he and a lot of people on social media just play pretend because they want to hurt Bidens chances of reelection?

      I think it should be allowed to be pointed out, even though they’re not wrong. They just don’t care about Palestinians. For Carlson at least that much is obvious.

      • John
        3 months ago

        I don’t disagree that he is an opportunist, but the article is still trash IMO. To me the agenda of the article is clear, which is to use the opportunity of another opportunist to spread more anti-Israel = anti-Jew/antisemitism fud.

      3 months ago

      However, not everything your enemy says or does has to be incorrect.

      I mean…what he’s saying is incorrect though. I think what Israel is doing is horrendous and should’ve been stopped as soon as possible, but this is what he is focusing on -

      “A consistent but almost never noted theme of American foreign policy is that it is always the Christians who suffer,” the broadcaster said at the start of Tucker Carlson Uncensored. “When there’s a war abroad that the United States is funding, it is Christians who tend to die disproportionately.”

      He doesn’t give a shit about what’s actually happening. He just wants to use it to prop up this “Christian oppression” narrative to pander to his audience, and feel righteous blaming Israel while he’s at it.

      • John
        3 months ago

        Did you read the full article because it also lists several valid points that he made and then attempts to equate everything as anti-jew and antisemitism. What he said may not be accurate, but saying something bad about Israel does not equate to being anti-jew or antisemitic