This is a sort of game I’ve been developing to learn unity. Not much there but fun of you like to blow stuff up.
I thought I left a link in there ;(
Tread carefully with Unity, and any time they could decide again that you just pay them for each install, even past installs. Map looks classic though, I imagine fast paced arena shooter action taking place there.
I’ve been meaning to try Gedot. It’s even installed… just haven’t started.
Take the plunge, you won’t die.
On a more serious note its really fun and easy. If you’re nervous watch a few YouTube videos or take one of those online courses at that just shows you around and how it works.
I took it… its rough going… but the bones are there. It’s gonna be a while before something comes of it.
Until then it’s also available here beside the unity version both still miles from completion.
thanks for the push
This is actually what everyone in my city’s game dev community did.
Everyone moved out to either Godot or Unreal, or using a custom engine.
Any more details? :o