Why are we assuming that the top half has to be the human half?
how about 2, but the giraffe neck is the regular diameter
I hate left less but it would clearly be right, no way you’d evolve arms that can’t reach your mouth.
*t-rex has entered the chat*
Sorry, I guess I meant arms with opposable thumbs
Ok, I’m a smart fella but thinking about this is taking up way too high a percentage of my smart cells.
2 has Chad energy.
And next we’ll continue the lesson with his pants.
Neither. Arms should not be on the neck.
Yeah, both of these seem more like a Manraffe.
Agreed. The human part of a centaur doesn’t have any horse features, so why would a giraffe centaur? It would just be a giraffe body with a person torso attached.
This would make the second picture possible (just without the fur on the human part) - a centaur also has a duplication of parts of the spine.
There is no horse neck on a centaur though, so not sure why there would be on a giraffetaur. Since they are all imaginary creatures, I suppose anything you want is the right answer.
Arms are on the body though. Neck is between the shoulders
We have the answer here -
Durpleton is too pure for this corrupt world.