Not sure CrowdStrike runs on npm, but still ruined it all for sure
“ruin dev” is redundant; that’s the default behavior.
Hope you didn’t have the repository URL in your package.json… otherwise it’ll be gone now.
Nothing, it’s already ruined(!)
SyntaxError: Unexpected ! operator
No, it’s an order!
npm will ruin the dev now. It happened to me 11 months ago
The NPM gods will smite you for using CMD instead of PowerShell.
Yeah you’re gonna need a new dev environment. That one’s toast.
You’ll be forced to use only Windows forever.
Same thing.
Source: Homestar Runner - Strong Bad Email #50 - 50 Emails you get four hundred thousand viruses?
Computer over?
Virus = very yes?That’s not a good prize!
Hi Strong Bad
MCP: Already there, Hun! END OF LINE.
Npm ruined dev long before you tried this.
Your .env with production credentials is now up on a public repo
Its an alias, so no problem.
Apparently it works retroactively and now you are on Windows.
Oh man, that would be a hell of an easter egg if it cleared your terminal and pretended to be a dos prompt