900ml? What the fuck? I can barely drink a 300ml can of soda. How the fuck people drink this much?
They make extra room by never drinking any water.
Jesus I got diabeetus from just reading this.
Eh idk what there’s to get riled up about. If they’re being open with the calories content, I don’t mind drinking this once in a while just for the heck of it
This thing exists but people were bitching at me for having one beer after i get off work yesterday…
Shit, and here I thought a giant chocolate Oreo shake from an ice cream store would be healthy. Egg on my face I guess.
I’m assuming where they say ‘calories’ they mean kilocalories?
In which case, what the hell?
Correct. In America, “Calories” and “Kilo-Calories” are synonymous. In fact, rarely is the formal form of that used over here.
I suspected as much. Still hate it.
Don’t suppose we could get everyone to switch to using Watt-hours? We could start listing exercise intensity in watts and you could easily calculate how much calories are burned during exercise.
Or we just use joules like civilized folk
That is a HUGE milkshake. It’s a quart.
This is beyond major celebrations like graduations or windfalls, but for tragedies like break-ups and subprime mortgage crises.
Completely acceptable the day after Trump wins the election. In fact, get two.
It’s a quart
0.946 litres if anyone needs a translation.
I pray to the universe that that last scenario won’t happen, but I’m totally doing it now if it does.
Was wondering how much is the contents and how much is the size so ran the conversation. Jesus christ 32 fl oz is like a litre almost! That’s huge!
Is this for real? I’ve been keeping track of my own calorie intake for months and my highest record for total calories consumed in one day was 2670. I can’t imagine what it is like to eat that many calories on top of something else.
It is very real. Or rather, it was. They reduced it a bit somewhere down the line.
I’ve looked it up and it says 1440 calories for this particular shake. I think they removed the cream top and the crumbled cookies, judging from photos, and I guess they may have added water or something to cut down that many cals.
Did you look up the same size? This one was 32 oz
I’ve looked for the large one yes. Maybe I made a mistake, idk?
1440cal is close to the daily average intake of a woman. That is a very, very hearty meal
My euro ass would instantly perish if I just held it in my hands
Cops with fentanyl moment
Bruh they didnt label the trans fat with a percentage because the recommended intake is 0g 💀
2.5g of trans fats aren’t the issue here
Same for sugar. 266 gr of sugar per liter is and absurd amount of sugar.
26g/100ml is a lot but not that high. A European coke has about 10.6g, energy drinks around 15g, while smoothies and natural juices can go up to 20g.
Twice the amount of sugar of some of the most sugary and damaging drinks available does seem like a lot to me. And about juice, at least some of that is fructose if the juice is actually fruit. This pure refined sugar.
Absolutely true, but I would kind of guess that an actual drink would have a lower sugar content than what is essentially a liquid dessert (for 4 people). Nutella for example is around 50% sugar
You misread the number of grams in the milkshake, I think.
I used the number the previous commentator used. I’ve now converted the 32 fl.oz (I figure it’s US fl.oz.) to Liter, which is 0.96l so I guess the actual content would be something like 28g/100ml which is not that far off my previous statement of 26g/100ml.
Which to clarify is something like 20% sugar content when taking the average density of water and substracting a bit to make up for the higher density of a milk shake.
Oh I totally missed that. Thanks for clarifying!
With the amount of fat in it I’d think the density would he lower than water
What the actual fuck i didnt even notice that
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST that’s a quarter of a BAG
America. 🦅
I had to stop drinking milkshakes once I started counting calories because of this kind of thing. Like, I knew it was bad, but I didn’t know it was this bad. 😬
Fellow recent calorie counter since beginning of June. I’ve lost 10 lbs so far. I plan on continuing to do this even after I’ve met my goal
I make my own milkshakes now. Aim for about 8oz shake. Split it with the wife.
Its bad but I’ll have one a month or so in the summers.
A bite of a burger and fries with a sip of chocolate shake takes me back to my youth.
I mean, having one of this once a year just for the morbid curiosity of satisfying your palate in that much fat and sugar is fine, specially if you share one with several people. Yet, some people were having these things weekly, even daily. Those poor arteries.
At this point they’re literally drug dealers willfully killing people with their product.
I can’t imagine consuming my entire days worth of calories with a single milkshake. It’s mentally ill.
I think taste builds up a tolerance to sweet in the same way it does for heat. I used to drink lots of soda, but I stopped drinking it completely and now when I have a sip of Coke it tastes WAY too sweet and I can barely stand it. For people who eat lots of fast and ultra-processed foods packed with added sugar, salt, and fat, they need more extremes like this shake to overcome their tolerance in the same way a person who eats lots of spicy foods gets bored with jalapenos and needs ghost peppers and Carolina reapers that would destroy most other people’s palettes.
And that’s just their dessert. That’s not likely to be the only thing someone would consume in a day.
That’s the caveat right here. Most people who eat this aren’t generally eating well to begin with. A lot of Americans are gonna eat a double cheeseburger and fries with a soda which can clock up to 1600 calories, then go to Baskin Robbins for dessert and have this. That’s why it’s entirely possible for Americans to have 5k calories in a day because that’s only 1 meal and a dessert.
Crikey. You could run a marathon after that and still have a calorie surplus. Is this actually real?!
Yes :(
Worth (I am fat)
Wtf. How can anyone eat that? It would be like dropping a bomb in my stomach.
If there are any non-Americans seeing this thing and thinking, “What’s wrong with Americans‽” this is not a normal thing for people to consume here in the US. I will never have that drink. Not because I’m controlling myself for my health, but because I would be too repulsed by that much sweetness and heaviness. This is made for a specific portion of the population: those that are struggling with eating healthy. Of everyone I know, I can only think of two people that could even consume that thing, and both of them have a poor relationship with food.
this is not a normal thing for people to consume here in the US.
oh sure, that’s why it’s a local restaurant’s novelty item, not a probable bestseller that is part of a heavily advertised inter-brand crossover product mass produced and mass consumed in a franchise restaurant that’s so prolific, it’s international.
People in the US drink/eat stuff like this all the time, it’s why they are overweight. Not everyone, but a not insignificant number of people.
Most of the time it’s disguised behind being in small units (small thin cookies or crackers, liquids, sprinkles and powders) where eating too much is “your fault for being hungry enough and eating the whole box” not the manufacturers for making it adictive and unsatifying.
Try eating a whole cheesecake, or deep dish pizza in one sitting.I drink too many of these and am a healthy weight! I’m just unhealthy because I drink those instead of having actual food so Im malnourished (I exaggerate but holy fuck I don’t know how someone can have that with a meal and finish both,I never can)
It’s a whole day’s worth of maintenance calories for a medium-to-big active male. I sure hope you couldn’t eat a whole meal on top.
True. I do usually burn 1-1.5k Calories 5 times a week running and the ones I get aren’t quite this big so it’s not ludicrous, but definitely not good for me. Seems to be roughly balancing out, I’m a hair over 6 ft and bounce between 145 and 155 lbs