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Hottest so far.
Fun fact: All this probably happened because we stopped to geoengineer by outlawing ships blowing sulphur into the air which created additional cloud cover. That is, this year isn’t really exceptional climate-change wise, it’s just that we could witness, by fortuitous natural experiment, how much worse it actually already is… as well as that we can limit the impact by geoengineering. It works, and without wrecking havoc on the overall system.
And the good news is that we don’t need to blow sulphur into the air to generate clouds, the same effect can be had by blowing salt water into the air, just strap a couple of water cannons to every cargo ship. No I’m dead serious.
All this probably happened because we stopped to geoengineer by outlawing ships blowing sulphur into the air which created additional cloud cover.
You have your causality running backwards… this was already here, and the sulfur was masking it. This happened because we put so many GHG in the air.
It works, and without wrecking havoc on the overall system.
Europe is the one that initiated the sulfur reductions. With the additional dimming data now available, they reviewed it to determine how much damage had been caused. The conclusion? The benefits of reducing sulfur actually outweigh the damage of unmasked warming. The plan for further reductions was upheld.
If we mask radiative forcing, we don’t want to be doing it with sulfur. That leads to acid rain, ocean acidification, and asthma and other diseases. CaCO3 is a candidate. The long-term consequences of any candidate is unknown. Except that we know that the less sulfur raining down on us and the fish in general, the better.
You have your causality running backwards… this was already here, and the sulfur was masking it.
Which is what I said?
Hottest 36 days ever recorded…so far.
What the Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know | Al Gore | TED
Oil barrons merely see global warming as yet another catastrophe to take advantage of for power and profit, they will have their companies pump oil til there’s not a single drop left to pump anywhere, using every excuse they can find to keep pumping and polluting while evading taxes and regulation as much as possible. They are evil scum and belong in jail for their lies and behavior.
Drug dealers are arguably pretty evil…but there is undeniably huge demand for the products. And getting rid of a dealer won’t solve addiction itself.