Dipshits don’t even get it’s this based on this painting https://musee-magnin.fr/en/node/19 which is in a French museum, about the gods of Olympus, and includes the lyre you see in the recreation. It’s not the last supper which is in Italy and not in France. Similar framing of course - clearly on purpose - but who cares. What dumbasses, outrage machine go burrr
I’m also pissed at the Olympics this year, mostly because I got stuck one hour on the road, but maybe I just don’t want to admit how dumb I was to not avoid Paris on my trip to the west… nah it’s them! not me!
Oh no, the poor christians and conservatives who rather see us at the burning stake than acknowledge that their God created us queer-people just like we are. Fuck em that they felt hurt looking at this display, we were and are constantly hurt!
i always smh when people use the bible to justify their non-christian virtues. christians don’t care and it’s a stupid book to begin with. if a christian ever tells me i’m doing something wrong, i look them right in the eye and say “PROVE YOUR GOD IS REAL OR SHUT THE FUCK UP”.
don’t use their religion for reasoning. it’s a form of validation.
NBC didn’t even broadcast this part of the ceremonies, people who are upset about this are looking to get upset.
The real news story here is that NBC is apparently censoring the Olympics.
The link literally goes to nbc news, and contains a video of that exact performance. How exactly are they censoring the Olympics? Edit: was this not broadcast on live tv, just online? I didn’t watch live.
I’ve got copies of both the US and Australian broadcasts. I’m in the process of building a synchronized side-by-side video showing what each broadcaster put out.
I’d love to share it if I could convince YouTube’s bots that it’s not a copyright violation.
And if there’s a PeerTube instance out there that won’t mind me uploading it there, I’m happy to share it with you.
You should totally upload it to the Internet Archive. They have something similar for 9/11 news programs.
This is a FANTASTIC idea. I’m uploading it now.
Great! Link it here when you do it, I’d be very curious to see it!
Religious bigots offended, yet again
Let them cry.
Imagine you’re the master race, confident and strong and then some people wear different clothes than you expected on TV and your whole world is just shattered lol.
It wasn’t even the last supper, it was referencing Greek stuff from what I have heard
Video is DRM locked.
People who get upset over everything are upset. More at 11.
Drag acts are the misogynist equivalent of “black face”.
Are you seriously comparing clothing and makeup to skin color and ethnicity my guy?
Blackface demonizes/makes fun of being black. Drag does not demonize femininity; quite the opposite actually. Your logic doesn’t logic.
Considering you post a lot of porn of women with objectifying remarks all over your profile, it’s unsurprising you have misogynistic views… at least keep them to yourself man.
in some ways, drag does reduce a woman’s identity to just the clothes she wears and some makeup. he’s not completely wrong.
No. He is completely wrong. Drag isn’t “reducing a woman’s identity” to anything, because femininity isn’t a woman’s identity. People who do drag aren’t pretending to be women. Drag partially exists to blur gender lines and challenge our perceptions of gender, and mostly exists because many people feel affirmed by femininity and are most comfortable when they’re participating in what we see as feminine culture.
Cultural perceptions of femininity aren’t equivalent to womanhood. Femininity does not “belong” to women and masculinity does not “belong” to men. Imagine how insane it would be if we called women wearing pants and other clothes that used to be associated with men “blackface for men” lol.
you have a point.
Yes I am…
(and don’t project)
Not at all. Drag does not mock women. Guarantee you’re a dude.
Least braindead TERF
There it is. The dumbest comment I’ll read on the internet today. And it’s barely even noon.
And I’m really not surprised by your response…
You obviously don’t proofread yours then.
It’s amazing how far a culture can plummet.
Yeah, we can have people like you not understanding things and you still get a voice. It’s pretty sad how low we’ve gotten.
No, what’s sad is allowing this degeneracy to continue.
There it is. Wannabe Nazi detected.
For someone who claims to like history, you seem to be missing some major parts. Degenerate art is a specific phrase used by the Nazis during their short time in power. They claimed gays, jews, and other scapegoat groups were degenerate and blamed their issues on them instead of addressing their actual issues. One of their first book burnings was at the Institute of Sexology, which was targeted for it’s study and treatment of homosexual and transgender (at the time more commonly called transexual) people. This was a civilization soon to decline, not the one that was open to new ideas.
Nope, it’s specifically when people start talking about the degeneracy of culture, behavior, etc. It’s a giant raging clue.
The term is brandished around to such an extent it has no meaning.
Nazis certainly would like everyone else to believe that.
Ah, yes. People enjoying themselves and making art that hurts no one is degenerate. Please, oh enlightened one, what is the proper form art should take? Were Victorian plays with men playing female characters degenerate? What about the Greeks and the Romans (who I should mentioned loved to have sex with men frequently and with vigor)? What point in time was ideal humanity, and when did it start degenerating? Was it only when white men were in power in the US and women couldn’t voice an opinion and black people were property? Please, let me know which time period we should return to to make the sky daddy (or mommy) happy!
Calm down and take your ritalin.
Of course, no real response other than dismissal. You’re the one who came here to claim some decline in civilization. I’m not the one who needs to calm down.
I’m not surprised you object to my assertions. Flies don’t object to shit either - they thrive on the substance.
Case in point.
You still haven’t answered the question. Which point in time are we degenerating from? Anyone can make an assertion. You can’t back yours up, which is why it is less than worthless.
Go read your Bible… then follow it
I prefer the Upanishads but I i should imagine this is lost on you.
No, what’s sad is allowing this degeneracy to continue.
Yeah, imagine if America fell to the conservatives. It would be hell on earth.
America is lost - no matter who wins the election. It is over.
You’re living in “hell” now.
It was not the last supper but a representation of the greek god Bacchus, since of course the Olympics have a greek origin. I find it funny that christians got so triggered.
No, the blue smurf dude was Bacchus. This was a different part.
Blue dude is Philippe Katerine. He is know for doing weird things. About his show in the ceremony he declared to the press “I was cold and I liked it” article in French
He was also delighted that Musk was shocked. Katherine is,rightfully, quite popular around here.
A lot of Christians don’t realize how heavily influenced their religion is is by other more pagan and polytheistic religions.
Seriously, just look up images for “Isis and child Horus”, for instance.
Without context he only way to tell if it’s Christian or ancient Egyptian is the hat, if present.
The entire opening ceremony was riddled with elements that were exaggerated specifically to give the middle finger to people who can’t help but force their personal religious beliefs on others. And seeing how riled up they’ve been getting over it, I must say it worked.
The sad part is, that this just gives them more ammo. Having said that though, they look for ammo constantly, even without olympics they would find something else.
Who cares
i’m glad they’re triggered. fuck christians.
An event that’s supposed to bring people together, instead purposely creates division. I’m agnostic af, but I can clearly see this is bad taste.
If you like creating division, then by all means celebrate it I guess…
They included everyone who has been excluded from the beginning and made a statement that they will not pander to those who want them excluded anymore. Those who were angry at this are those who wanted to keep these people excluded. I’d say it’s a pace in a good direction to bring people together. There is only a group of people who will need to learn they can’t force their way on others anymore.
For crying out loud had these people had their way again we wouldn’t even have had that badass metal music show in front of the Bastille.
badass metal music show in front of the Bastille.
Didn’t realize that was in front of the Bastille, you can’t get more anti authoritarian than that.
To be honest it was a building they’ve used as a stand-in for La Bastille. La Bastille no longer exists, it was razed and replaced by La Place de La Bastille.
But I mean, the anti-authoritarian vibe immediately peaked at the beginning with a beheaded Marie-Antoinette singing about hanging the aristocrats.
you can’t get more anti authoritarian than that
You could drown Macron in the Seine, to start with. (I mean, he’d probably suffocate rather than drown, but still.)
It’s the agnostics who want to force our churches to go woke in Europe.
The other way around. It’s the agnostics who defend your right to do whatever you want inside your church, as long as it isn’t illegal. It’s outside your stupid church you don’t get to say or command anything. And that’s what offends religious folks. Losing the power to force others to obey your religion is not oppression, leave us the fuck alone.
Learn to read. “the Archbishop of Canterbury’s views have sway around the Commonwealth and beyond […] the Lords Spiritual number 26 votes in our unelected upper chamber of parliament. These people still have power. ” That’s a religious issue within that religion that affects non-religious people. You see how that reinforces my point? I don’t fucking care whatever the the church end up deciding to do because I don’t fucking belong to that church and therefore that stupid church has no power over my life. But when the assholess inside the church influence civil decisions, then that becomes a problem. Either get out of political life, or change and accept that your worldview not only sucks, but isn’t supported anymore.
if you have to confirm to what a single group wants while ignoring the actual countries who created the games and those who host them, that’s not”bringing people together” it’s just giving in to narrow views and acting as if only one group has legitimacy and the right to decide on anything. there is no “bringing together” of different people and things in that.
It’s Christianity causing the division. Not the inclusions of the LGBT.
Drag !== LGBT.
LGBT is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, three sexual orientations, and Transgender- a modifier of gender expression.
Drag is a performance.
Ah yes, inclusion is division. Good double speak here.
No no, you don’t get it. They don’t like drag, and we should’ve known christian’s don’t like drag and wouldn’t want to go to a drag show. So by us doing them anyways, knowing they won’t be there, we’re excluding them by not excluding them while they exclude themselves. We’re the assholes y’all.
We’re the assholes y’all.
ah damn it, if you put it like that.
The only people creating division are religious people who can’t switch off their offended brain for once and laugh a little.
Same logic can be applied to people being (rightfully) outraged at blackface
Since you bring up logic, the logical fallacy you’re displaying is called the false equivalence fallacy. Blackface is outrageous because the purpose is to demonize and humiliate black people. The purpose of drag is to CELEBRATE freedom of feminine expression, regardless of sex/gender. One is inherently exclusive, while the other is inherently inclusive.
And the purpose of mocking Christianity is…? I didn’t mention drag here.
Are you this outraged every other time someone parodies the Last Supper?. Sounds like your issue is not parodies of a Christian scene but the parody being done by drag queens.
You’re dissenting in a thread about Christians hating drag. It’s implied you’re talking about drag. Further, blackface is a common dog whisle the alt-right uses to attempt to demonize drag.
I haven’t mocked Christians in a very long time. Some people are mocking Christians, but the intent of the original performance, and the intent of this thread, is very clearly to mock people that USE Christianity as ammunition against people and things they don’t like. Which is (obviously) an exclusionary act… Which the Olympics is against, given that it exists to bring people with differences together… Hence, the performance…
But only against christians, no othetlr religion or lack thereof.
That’s because other religions are minorities in the West and get too much hate and vitriol as it is.
Isnt the olympics about unity? If you have to single out a group to make fun of, maybe you shouldnt
Really? They fully declared the performance was unquestionably for Christians? Not everything in the word is about Jesus.
It was literally the Last Supper. I dont know how much more christian specific you can get
Da Vinci’s the last supper is much more of an art accomplishment than a symbol of Christianity. I’ve seen soooo many parodies of the last supper that just wanted to make a simple joke using something people recognize. Again, not everything is about religion, for example, the satanic temple has “Christian symbols” but is a fully securely belief system.
Rejecting your religion’s bigotry is not “singling you out”.
Wow get over your jurt feelings because of a, … checks notes …, a screenplay with colored people or gays or something.
Aren’t you christians supposed to be inclusive and not hating bigots?
Grow up lol.
nah. fuck christians.
And we aren’t the ones beheading teachers and shooting up art studios
No, you’re just the ones producing most of the stochastic terrorism in the US
The Bible doesn’t say to commit terrorism.
And yet Christians keep doing it in the name of their god
So you guys just do it for fun, then?
That’s a worse reason, you do understand that?
I haven’t committed terrorism, I don’t plan on committing terrorism, I don’t support committing terrorism, so I won’t defend those who are committing terrorism. And you’re right, it is a worse reason.
Yes, because condemning terrorism is also terrorism. Do you guys even hear yourself?
do you guys even hear yourself
Given what you said has nothing to do with what I said I ask the same back to you, buddy
Pretty sure some of these other religions have a problem with scantily clad women, gay people and drag queens. That you think this was “only against christians” is pretty telling.
I would imagine if it was a bunch of straight people in silly costumes we would be having a very different conversation… Maybe about how art was once part of the Olympics. That would be a fun thing to talk about.
“How dare the queers…” is so tiring a conversation to keep having over and over.
So you’re indignant that the middle finger was only to Christians? And not everyone else? Weird hill to die on. And I’m pretty sure the middle finger wasn’t specifically to Christians, but to literally every moron with a stick up their ass about what other people do in their personal lives.
Also, the “lack thereof” is called atheism and attacking atheism is like attacking someone for not collecting stamps (to bastardize Penn Jillette). Quite a waste of time and effort.
they think that. somehow it doesn’t occurs to the “christians” that the olympics aren’t about them and aren’t focused on them at all. it wasn’t the last supper. it was homage to greek and french culture and history. because the olympics originated in greece and are being held in france. sheesh.
It was supposed to be the Last Supper?
I totally didn’t get that.
Also, I was hoping for a real drag show when I saw them, but instead I got a sort of “gender bent catwalk” thing. Boo.
It was supposed to be a representation of a bacchanal or dionisya. There are dozens of paintings of those celebrations that look sorta like the last supper, if you squint very hard and turn off your brain.
I’m not exactly the most religious person, but this seems to be step one in how to piss off a nice chunk of those watching.
Not the route I would have gone.
Well they can be pissed or grow up then I guess lol getting angry over a performance on tv, what are they, 6 years old?
Mentally, yes. Lol
If you can’t figure out to not take someone belief system or identity and use it… If you can’t figure out why that might piss people off let me help you.
If I as a heterosexual white male put on black face and dressed up in American Indian garb I’m pretty sure people would get pissed.
There are certain lines you just don’t cross.
Still here you are trying to piss off people. Why don’t you change your tune, eh?
And religion, favorite Jolly Rancher flavor, or what car you drive is not one of them. Those are all conscious choices.
Mocking someone for who they are (their race) and for their choice (the cult they joined) are entirely different things.
Drag cabaret was huge in France in the 1940s and 1950s and has continued to this day, so that part is not really especially weird or or provocative.
But then they decided to mix it with Paris Fashion Week and that made it far less interesting, at least to me.
It was made to kind of piss right wing people, yes
Just curious would it have been ok if was designed to piss off left wingers? Or done to make fun of black people or trans people?
Everything you listed is on different plains of existence.
The left isn’t there to tell others what to do. It’s here to push back on the right’s encroachment. So be it.
Neither black nor trans people choose to be who they are but being a right-wing Christian is a conscious choice people make every day. These people wake up and choose every type of violence.
Why would it be ok to piss off anyone else but the perpetrators?
If they did it to Muslims, theyd get a repeat of Charlie Hebdo. And if I didnt know better, Id say they were making fun of trans people, in a really gross transphobic way
Because some of them are even more childish than the christians?
Do you know what Charlie Hebdo was?
The ceremony pissed off right wingers by not bending to their demands for censorship of anything that their religious beliefs tells them should be censored. Bending to those demands would essentially allow them to force their religious beliefs on others.
You suggested to piss off left wingers by bullying ostracized groups of people or being downright racist.
You can see how those are not the same.