Oof, sounds like somebody forgot to put their orb in incognito mode. Always clear your pondering history, folks!
Shouldn’t have pondered that orb 😒
Nonsense. You should be pondering all orbs at all times.
Just not that one
What an awkward way to find out your boss was sworn into, and is now being hunted by, the local klan. 😬
That was my first thought too. What’s this orb pondering business everyone’s on about?
It’s a 196 thing, I think.
Easy, just give the wizard an orb to ponder.
The thing that bothers me most is that it’s marked as urgent but clearly there is no action required.
Maybe it’s a obligatory single choice and since the others aren’t the case, it has to be this one
It seems pretty urgent that they read the message though.
It’s urgent that the recipient be ominously warned of dire consequences forthcoming. Quite courteous, really!
The rare combo of “this is neither something you should call back about, nor will I call again…but it is urgent.”
Makes me want to call them back even harder…
Mmm maybe she pondered upon his orb without permission