If they carry me around in this thing I‘m not dying.
range anxiety rule
Can’t really fault them for being over the line when the car is literally a hearse.
OTOH they probably could have backed up a bit more and only been half as much over the line
I’d rather cars take more space from cars than create a habit of backing over curbs and blocking the sidewalks.
Doesn’t look great, but definitely could look worse
like, say, cybertruck hearse
New band name, “Electric Hearse”.
For songs, there’s the C-tier Black Sabbath track “Electric Funeral,” and Queensryche’s amazing-in-context “Electric Requiem.”
Looks like a Civic in the back.
A Cisla.
When I was a cringey metalhead/guitarist, I wanted a hearse as my own vehicle, with my own equipment being transported by it. Not an electric one though, at that time EVs were a far-fetched dream.
Neil young breathes heavily behind you
I mean that would be badass.
Wow, people sure are dying to get into a Tesla.
Dragula if owned by Rob Zombie and autopilot is turned on to run into ditches, witches, and emergency vehicles in its path of travel.