It’s so fucked up that Americans consider it suspicious when their politicians aren’t financial leeches on the working class. You want them to be corrupt or what?
Who is claiming that it’s suspicious? The MAGAs trying to find any weird way to smear this guy?
What a cretin.
Its odd to me that he doesn’t own property. Like…not even his own house?
He sold his house when he moved in to the governor’s mansion.
Are you telling me this is all some sort of elaborate free housing scam?
Cheaper to put Grandpa in congress than a nursing home… If you have connections.
This makes sense… I’m guessing he’s looking to upgrade into the Naval Observatory.
Although it looks like he took the cash and either put it in a boring bank or payed off debt. He didn’t put the money in some sort of fund for retirement or the kids. He’s clearly not rolling in dough.
What I’ve heard suggested is he has a few pensions from his time in the military, and as a teacher.
A lot of people don’t.
I don’t know about this particular form, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they exempt their personal house, and this form only lists investment properties.
This is most likely correct. Anytime you apply for e.g. welfare they don’t make you list your home, car, etc. But if you have a second car you have to list that.
Someone else said he sold his house when he got elected though, so maybe he actually doesn’t own one.
He has a wife, so maybe stuff in her name be excluded?
Also, what happened that race horse ownership is specifically named on this list.
I had to sell my race horse because my son wanted McDonald’s.
Wouldn’t it have been cheaper to just buy a pound of salt and skip the middleman?
He’s got all his money tied up in dope, union-made cars.
(I know he only has the one car, relax.)
He’s got all his money tied up in dope
union-made cars.
oh, that’s nice too I guess
Reminds me of OG Biden. Iirc he was the lowest net worth senator before he was Obama’s VP pick. Or at least one of lowest, even if it’s a good paycheck.
(Oh and now that I think it it, was roughly the same age when picked in 2008, at least by a couple years).