There is also this shitterlink video related to this (sourced the news from worldnews), but I don’t speak Arabic and can’t say if this is a deepfake or not
I speak a slightly different dialect, but it sounds authentic to me. Still, you never know these days.
He says more stuff, but can’t make the rest out.
I have no doubt whatsoever that Hamas continues to treat the rest of the Palestinians like shit, but this article quotes what, three people? Two of them anonymous.
Speaking of that whatever happened to Anonymous??
They achieved next to nothing and gave up, I guess.
I was always a fan of them shutting down child porn rings.
It was a good idea in theory, but they really fucked that up too. See the third paragraph in the analysis:
point taken. Thank You.
Talk about a rock and a hard place.
Jerusalem Post - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)
Information for Jerusalem Post:
MBFC: Right-Center - Credibility: High - Factual Reporting: Mostly Factual - Israel
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