Today’s game is LA Noire. Playing Fallout New Vegas put me in a mood for that era, but i was having issues getting NV to run, so i launched LA Noire instead and played that since i had shelved it for a bit after one of the cases.
What a great game. I used to play it on PS3 and it really got me into all kinds of old jazz.
I have memories of my dad playing it on the 360 when I was younger. It’s a shame I remember seeing him beat the game because now I know how it ends. But damn. I still enjoy this game every time I play it
Do you switch games daily? How do you not get lost on where you are/ what you are doing?
I usually just have a lot of free time in the day. Plus some games i like to break up so i don’t get tired of them, especially if it’s a game i’ve played before (plus, I’m a completionist so i try to 100% all my games). L.A. Noire i had put on hold because of an issue i was having. But Fallout New Vegas started having this issue where it would crash in vats and i just wanted to play something vaguely 1940s, so i said fuck it and re downloaded La Noire to see if the issue sorted itself out
Love me some LA Noire. Although not having the re-release on PC makes going back a bit hard.
Man, I’ve spent many fun hours roaming around in this game. I had it on the xbox 360, and I remember being so amazed when I first got it that it came not with one or two, but four discs, lol.
I still have the 360 copy. It’s one of those weird things that is so fascinating