Thiel compared California liberalism to Saudi Arabian Wahabbism — but it was sort of a compliment
Peter Thiel needs to get more public acknowledgement for being a slimy, miserable, financier of evil who should accident himself out a 45th story window.
Oh man, with the baby leash he has on Vance, no way he can stay behind in US… looks like trump needs a new second place idiot now.
So every billionaire’s “eccentric”?
The mental gymnastics this guy does to justify his ideology. “California is prosperous despite not following my dumb pet economic theories and so is Saudi Arabia. They must be the same thing.”
Like that’s an aggressive form of terminal stupidity. Keep this up and he’ll be eating glue before the years out.
And how does a libertarian justify a billion dollar baleout when silicon valley bank went insolvant.
They don’t have to. They just take the money and don’t talk about it.
Ask Ayn Rand. That cunt is directly responsible for creating many of these morons, and she collected Social Security and Medicare when she got old (look forward to hearing about how she still deserves it even if she disagrees, yeah no shit. I think you know that wasn’t my point).
Be sure to take Jorgin Depeanus Vance with you, asshole.
Bye, mother fucker.
I’m giving this the same reaction I give Elon Musk articles:
Where? Europe? Japan? Canada? where policies are more progressive than the US?
Bye, Felicia.
He’s not eccentric, he’s fucking evil.
Doesn’t this dude essentially believe democracy is a failure and that he believes the US should be run with something like a CEO (a dictator)?
Little sobbing baby bribed Donald to pick the absolute most hated person possible for VP. Now it’s time to whine since the fascism isn’t going great. Fuck off to New Zealand, then, bye, Peter.
He is one of the worst people on the planet. The world would be better if he left existence instead of just America.
Yeah, bye.
Please Mr Thiel. Go. And forget us, we’re doomed. Go enjoy Iran or Australia or some other hellhole.
Sorry but as an Australian who spends a lot of time in the US that’s a really, really, really retarded statement.
While I do agree with your general sentiment, please consider not using “retarded” as a derogatory term. It is hurtful for people with intellectual disabilities and effectively acting as a slur against a minority group.
I was half joking about Australia. But honestly half the things I hear about you is you being as dumb as us.
“Eccentric” is a weird word for the man whose writing inspired both Nick Lang and Mencius Moldbug.
I rarely use the word because it cheapens its impact but the man is a modern protofascist and should be identified as at least the forefather of the modern right wing anti-liberalism movement.
should be identified as at least the forefather of the modern right wing anti-liberalism movement
Thiel is a cunt but he was 12 years old when Ronald Reagan was elected and not even born yet during Barry Goldwater’s acceptance speech. He is absolutely not the forefather of the modern rightwing anti-liberalism movement.
That’s not the modern far right, that’s just the current right until Trump.
People like Lang and Moldbug are the fathers of the modern neoreactionary movement, the architects of the new fascist right, not the economically ultraliberal socially conservative right of Reagan.
You don’t think the modern conservative movement has changed at all since Reagan?
Cut taxes, erode the separation of church and state, ban abortion, gut environmental protections, pack the supreme court, demonize liberals, blow up the national debt, destroy public education, dogwhistle racists, bust unions, overspend on the military, hate on the gays, gerrymander and suppress voters, make fun of the French … this shit has all been around since before Reagan. If it’s changed, it’s only been to become more openly loathsome.