“Regilar Nintendo” is redundant.
To me it’s just “Nintendo”. Everything after gets a subtitle.Where does “The original Nintendo” fall on this chart?
Somewhere off the bottom, shaped like a deck of playing cards.
“8-bit Nintendo”
Sub Nintendo
Both subs and supras love
da good cartridge blowjob.They just didn’t though. You just enjoyed giving them
Is true.
Cheeky bastard ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
Ifc! I need them cheeks for proper blowing action.
乁( ͠°👄 ͡°)ㄏ
Nintendo 1
Nintendo, the first ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nintendo Senior
I … dont think I ever realised they called it Ness and not Nes.
Ness was first introduced on the Super Famicom. Though he only really got popular when Super Smash Bros came out on the NES64.
I thought my family were the only ones! Must have been to differentiate it from the “Super Nintendo” we also had.
9 10 dodo
Rough translation, but here it was “Ordinary Nintendo”, as opposed to the Super Nintendo
Yep, Nintendo ordinaire. Lol
In my language we just called it small Nintendo.
No-friendo is what we called it. Still played it every day tho
That Famicom close that added DRM
In the UK and Ireland, we call the SNES “the Snez”, but I’ve never heard it said that way in the States. Is that peculiar to this part of the world?
I live in the US and me and all my friends pronounce SNES as SNess. (And NES as Ness) for what it is worth. It seems to be somewhat common as my friends who grew up on the other side of the country say it this way too.
Most of the time I hear S N E S (each letter pronounced individually) or Super Nintendo.
I have heard “the Snes” (pronounced with an S sound instead of a Z), but I didn’t hear that commonly until much later, after it was considered a retro console.