Only if they actually, you know, go out and vote. Hillary was also leading in polls in 2016. Don’t get complacent.
Hilary did get more votes in the end. Just not in the right places.
It’s almost like the reporting need to be more focused on swing states and not the overall consensus of American views.
Hey are you an expert at driving clicks to maximize advertising revenue?
Yeah, that’s what I thought - you know nothing about journalism!
These polls are different every day. There’s no point in posting them constantly.
Along with if they’re not about swing states specifically they don’t mean anything. We already know it’s guaranteed Harris will win the popular vote. But that’s irrelevant compared to winning the EC.
100% agree.
Also, I just went scrolled for a bit and I saw three different pole results articles that are all different. It’s pointless.
As opposed to what, posting the same unchanged poll every day?
Or not posting it at all.
Why would somebody not post updates to a regularly updating thing?
Why would I repeat myself answering that?
Because it wouldn’t be a repeat, you never gave an actual answer the first time. Are you a bot?
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Earning one vote at a time, from Z to A
Water is wet too.
Young has always trended liberal. Old has always trended conservative. This is just how the way the world works.
The older you get the less you can believe people will change because the more you see how fucked up everyone and everything is. The theories they teach in school just don’t pan out in the real world when it comes to civic duty and patriotism. The whole american institution is corrupt and there to enrich the lives of the wealthy and influential elite. It’s not there for the masses.
I’m old and hard left, but it’s because I know my money is just going to go to some asshole no matter what. I’d rather my kids have a chance of having a high qol even if they don’t escape the grind or become wealthy on the backs of others. But i’m a sucker, i’d rather help someone random than take more for myself. I’d rather give up half to make sure nobody lacks for housing, food or healthcare. After all almost everything I make goes into those three things anyway.
Young has always trended liberal
Good luck with that in the future, seriously. Try keeping it that way for as long as possible.
In Germany at least, the biggest supporters of the nazi party are 18-24 year olds since social media, TikTok in particular, strongly promotes them. 38% of their votes (by gender: 46% men, 30% women) in one of the recent state elections went to them. Those are unprecedented amounts in a system with proportional representation.
Young voters that are clueless of her history. And only hear the whitewashed version spewing populist rhetoric.
Found the fascist