This had their “hits”/pop vibe. Invaders must die I think a better album, their real sound. But this is 10 years before, and really the same revolutionary sound/music. Was a big shift from their earlier “Everybody in the place” technohouse.
It’s a classic. Back to back bangers. Even some of the more “out there” songs like Narayan. Though there’s barely any albums I don’t like from them. Maybe “Experience” because it’s a little much sometimes. Quite partial to “Invaders Must Die” and “No Tourists” since I grew up with IMD and because NT is their last album before Keith died (RIP)
Invaders Must Die is so good but Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned is another good one, mainly because of Juliette Lewis.
Controversial opinion: It’s the album that ruined Prodigy.
Experience and Jilted Generation are amazing and I love every track.
Their first two albums were everything I loved about the genre. As soon as Smack My Bitch Up started getting radio play, they shifted their sound to match and never looked back.
its a total banger
Great album, I slightly prefer invaders must die over it but i’d put it on par with music for the jilted generation for different reasons though (like both complement each other I’d say)
I’ve never heard of this before and I have not listened to it but I just really like crabs so I bet it’s a good one
You owe it to yourself to listen to that album ASAP
I took your advice and can confirm that it is in fact a good one 🦀🦀🦀
It makes me nostalgic because it was one of the first CDs I owned.
The first was Jock Jams Volume 2, if you were wondering
Ha! Very funny that you mention Jock Jams Volume 2.
When my wife was in labor with our first daughter, and it came time to push, the album she wanted to listen to was Jock Jams Volume 1.
We just had our second daughter yesterday, we are still in the Maternity ward. Guess what album we listened to during the pushing part of labor? That’s right…
Jock Jams Volume 2.
Fantastic choices. Volume 3 has some good tracks but pales in comparison