• Thorny_Insight@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    It’s considered a slur when you call a person that who doesn’t associate with the term. It’s no different from going around calling straight people gay. Do we or do we not respect people’s right to choose what they indentify as? It’s not like you get automatically banned for using the term. Context matters.

    This article also seems to conveniently ignore the fact that all the actual slurs are considered slurs on Twitter aswell. It’s also an obviously and openly biased opinion article intented to provoke rage rather than objectional journalism.

    • Omgarm@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      If I were to troll people and call them white and whitey those words would not be considered a slur. Same with American, two footed, food chewer or bloodtype A+. Yet cisgender deserves special attention from Musk.

          • Thorny_Insight@lemm.ee
            2 months ago

            You’re not engaging with any of the arguments I’m making.

            Of all the social media platforms Lemmy seems like the least likely place for me having to speak against misgendering people. Can you really not imagine how a transgender person would feel when the term CIS is forced upon them from the outside?

            • TWeaK@lemm.ee
              2 months ago

              But the person isn’t trans and being called cis, or even trans but objecting to being called trans, they’re cis and objecting to being called cis.

              Can you really not imagine how a transgender person would feel when the term CIS is forced upon them from the outside?

              That’s like saying the term “male” is forced upon men, or the term “human” is forced upon everyone. Cis is the defined technical term, with solid etymological roots.

              • Thorny_Insight@lemm.ee
                2 months ago

                But the person isn’t trans

                How can you know? Just because a person looks and acts male it doesn’t mean that’s how they feel inside. There are plenty of closeted trans people that would find that offensive. And what does it even matter? If a person doesn’t want to be labeled then any decent person would respect that wish instead doubling down and calling them “cissy” instead.

                • TWeaK@lemm.ee
                  2 months ago

                  We’re talking about a hypothetical example. What I’m saying it is only comparable to a cis person objecting to being called cis if your example is a trans person objecting to being called trans. Both would be wrong as they are factually correct technical terms, and thus they aren’t being used as slurs.

                  A closeted trans person would be offended that you outed them, not that you called them trans when they are. Although, if they were closeted then you’d probably have no reason to think they were trans.

                  Calling someone “cissy” is almost certainly meant as an insult, though, because that’s not the technical term. That’s like calling a gay person a fag, or calling a black person the n word. Calling a cis gendered person cis or cisgender is like calling a gay person gay.

                  Rejecting a label isn’t really valid when the label applies to you. You can’t eat pizza and then claim you’re not a pizza eater.

                  And, at the end of the day, the measure that matters is not whether or not you like it, it’s actual harm. Calling someone cis is very unlikely to cause them harm. Calling someone a fag could lead to harm (eg Top Gear people driving through Alabama with gay writing on their trucks).

            • Omgarm@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              No you are not engaging with the arguments I am making. Respect for what people associate with is different from a word being a slur, or treated as such. Going around calling people who does not want to be <x> is disrespectful and is harrasment but it does not make <x> a slur in a general sense.

              Cisgendered is a word to describe people’s gender identity, not for insulting.

              • Thorny_Insight@lemm.ee
                2 months ago

                Yeah it’s not a slur just like the words male and female aren’t either but they can be used with the intention to insult when directed at people not identifying as such.

                I don’t agree with labeling the term as such but I do agree with the core intention which is to prevent harrasment. I don’t quite see what the issue is here. This will not cause trouble to anyone using the term appropriately.

                • Aurenkin@sh.itjust.works
                  2 months ago

                  How does the statement “the words ‘cis’ or ‘cisgendered’ are considered slurs on this platform” leave any room for appropriate use of those terms.

                • Omgarm@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  But it will cause trouble, because it is now (treated as) a slur on Twitter. Depending on how strict they are you can’t go around saying “as a cisgender” or having it in your bio.

  • Maple Engineer@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I call myself cis male. What delicate fucking snowflakes.

    EDIT: I want to provide some more information. I am a straight cis male. Straight is my sexual preference, cis gendered in my gender identity, and male is my biological sex as assigned at birth. I was first called cis male by a lesbian friend in a relationship with a trans-masculine lesbian (I think…s/he was a life long butch lesbian who began to transition socially after we met.) My friend described to me what cis meant and I said, “Ya, that describes me.” I have a pair of trans women friends (one post-op and one who will never get the surgery.) I have a pair of gay friends, one who had always known that he was gay and one who was closeted his whole life, married, kids, and came out in his 50s. I had known him for 25 years and never thought about whether he was straight or gay. In my social circle, intellectual and liberal, it is handy to be able to let people know a bit about me in a few words. I’ve embraced “cis” because I don’t think that I am superior because I am what I am. The people who are offended by being called “cis” are the ones who have sneered labels at others. I haven’t done that. I also find it handy in social situations to be able to say I’m interested in straight or bi cis women.

    I could not care less who you love, who you want to have sex with, how you present yourself, how you want to be addressed, etc. I have my preference but that’s just me.

  • CCF_100@sh.itjust.works
    2 months ago

    sob there are new terms that describe human beings because gender is not a binary, woe is me, I’m so upset… /s

    • TheRealKuni@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      sob there are new terms that describe human beings because gender is not a binary, woe is me, I’m so upset… /s

      ‘Cisgender’ doesn’t even require there to not be a gender binary! These snowflakes are ridiculous. It’s not a slur, anymore than ‘heterosexual’ is a slur.

    • 11111one11111@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Should we really be adding more derogatory terms to children’s vocabulary tho? I don’t care if it’s cisgender or a new word for removed, I get theyre only words and we shouldnt be voldermorting words because of the power it gives to oppressors but for fuckin real what I get nervous about is adding another word to be fucking mean adding it to school aged children’s arsenal of mean as fuck shit to say to other kids. We can all agree they don’t belong anywhere appropriately but for me this has always been about discouraging the next generation from being as hateful and cruel as this current parenting generation and older.

      I will die on the hill that psychological and emotional aggression is 1000x’s worse than trying to knock someones teeth in. As someone who grew up a barefoot3d hippie in redneck country I’ve seen it way too often that issues get fuckin squashed after 2 parties are icing their shinners and are arguing wile coming down from a much depleted sense of drive, rage amd adrenaline or whatever that hormone is called now.

  • StaySquared@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    The way the users of that slur is used… yeah it does come off as a slur. As if, “cis-gender” (lol) is a degrading label. You can call me a cis-gender… you might get a laugh out of me but that’s about it.

    • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz
      2 months ago

      It is a joke of a slur

      You can call me a cis-gender… you might get a laugh out of me but that’s about it.

      Because nobody has seriously threatened your life for being cisgender, nobody has harassed you in a coordinated fashion because you are cisgender, cisgender is just a term that can be applied to you that doesn’t really affect you either way.

      Words that are slurs are the record of violence and suffering inscribed into letters, you can’t treat those words the same and the fact that Musk is doing this is pathetic as fuck.

  • hperrin@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Ah yes, the historically marginalized vulnerable community, the cisgenders. How can a community even hope to live in peace with only 98.5% of the population?

      • rockSlayer@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        bullshit. cis- is a latin prefix that means “on this side of”. So for example, the Roman region Cisalpine Gaul could reasonably be interpreted as “the part of Gaul that’s on our side of the Alpines”. The prefix trans- is the antonym meaning “on the far side”. Transalpine Gaul was the part of the Roman empire on the other side of the Alpines. When related to gender, the only way cisgender can be read in any context is “their gender aligns with their sex”. There is no way that could ever be reasonably be interpreted as a slur.

        • Aurenkin@sh.itjust.works
          2 months ago

          Those kids on Tumblr, infamous for their coining of slurs, knowledge of Latin and history of Rome in equal measure.

          • captainlezbian@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Ok but you did describe a specific chunk of rome nerds. You’ve really got three kinds of rome nerds: the “I just think it’s neat” folks, the ones who think of it as glorious western tradition and lean fascist (it’s how they turned the symbol of Roman right to rule into the “kill everyone in the name of tradition” ideology), and then there are those of us who see a society that’s full on clown shoes where a bisexual twink managed to talk his way into destroying a republic among many many many other fucking bonkers things that just kept fucking happening while this empire refused to trade with China because of dipshit toxic masculinity. So yeah us in the last group lean anti fascist because rome was a shit show of a caliber only America and Russia can compare to