Boner? Better believe that’s a boner.
Boner? Better believe that’s a boner.
“This software we’ve all been saying is trash that produces trash produced trash!”
This isn’t surprising at all.
Correlation is not causation.
Concept of a fever dream
He needs to stop beating around the bush and say it. We all know his mask is slipping but somehow a vast swath of people seem to be feigning ignorance.
This has always made me pause. I’ve seen the biggest hateful racists enjoy a nice meal at a Mexican restaurant and be completely unaware of the irony.
I was told years ago that there are multiple shooters and some of them have blanks so they don’t actually who who fired the shot, I’m not sure how true that is.
Ultimately we have more in common with a normal Chinese person just trying to live their lives than any of us do with our ruling classes. I’m sure those same ruling classes would rather us be less aware of that fact.
I’ve had Skyline chili that was definitely heavy on the cinnamon/nutmeg but I’ve also had “spaghetti chili” that was just decent chili served over noodles. I think I actually preferred the regular flavored spaghetti chili.