A gun-themed restaurant helped Republican firebrand Rep. Lauren Boebert to fame. At the unrelated Shooters in the new district she hopes to win – where she’s running as a carpetbagger – there hasn’t been the same level of Boebert talk or tourism ... yet. Sheila Flynn reports from Byers in the 4th congressional district
What the fuck? Her new district sees a carpetbagging moron who has successfully passed zero bills became a national embarrassment after going to second base with her boyfriend at a Bettlejuice play, was basically run out of her own district and collectively said “Yeah, we want more of that!”?
We really are in the stupidest timeline. I will never forgive Trump for a lot of things, but especially for opening the door and allowing people like her and MTG to rise to power.
…Palin and Michele Bachmann enter the chat…
Anyway, these people are just a cult at this point. They look at a complete dumbass like Bobo, giving handjobs in public, and think she’s “owning the libs”, when all she is to normal Americans is a complete fucking joke and total assclown.
Palin was my exit from the party. I was too young and influenced to realize Bush was a goober, but after Palin opened her mouth years later, I made the Seinfeld theater exit and haven’t looked back. That was a slippery slope and they went straight Slip 'N Slide down it.
And going deeper than that, the 35 point lead is only above the other R candidates, so I’m thinking this is a name recognition thing, but I’m not very familiar with the politics of rural Colorado.
Also, of the 40% of undecideds, they asked them if they’d even consider voting for her and 60% of them said no.
The latest from 538 has the D candidate ahead of her 41% to 27% for Bobbert.
I recommend you check out the full poll results here. There are many more insights into CO Republicans. It’s all graphs, so it’s not dry reading, just the good stuff.
45% say Trumps’s conviction makes them “Much more likely” to vote for him and 33% say it has made no change to their plans to vote.
71% say hell no to taking Palestinian refugees into the US.
41% say immigration has ruined their town.
It’s 28 questions in all.
Eastern CO is way more red and ass-backwards than the western slope. Dumbass prairie yokels not smart enough to vote smarter.
I (unfortunately) live in this district, so heres my local insight/opinions. The incumbent for the district, Ken Buck, stepped down in March, so it’s all “new” challengers, 3 of which have been involved in state/local politics. The district has been Red since 2008. As another poster shared, 538 polling shows her losing to 2 of the three Dems running in the primary. Most of east rural Colorado is more '90s conservatives than tea party/MAGA conservatives, so they are likely to stay home and not vote for Boebert.
Lines were redrawn after 2022 election which caused Boeberts current district to become more blue, and I think Adam Frisch has a good chance of winning, which means boebert has a shot at flipping two districts from red to blue. 538 doesn’t have any polling data for district 3 yet so this may just be a Lefty’s dream.
What a glorious outcome this would be. After a short but pointless career, she’s essentially run out of politics and goes down in history as the first person to cost their party not just one but two seats on her way out.
I would celebrate with a hearty chuckle.
It’s wild how one single guy pretty much opened the flood gates for brazen stupidity to be a brand instead of an embarrassment.
Sarah “I can see Russia from my house” Palin would like a word
To be fair, they were building up to it for a very long time. Like everything else, donnie just slaps his name on other people’s work.
Assholes like Murdoch, Ailes, Limbaugh - and all his imitators on hate radio, the Koch Brothers, Alex Jones, Newt Gingrich, the Blessed Saint Ronnie Raygun himself (PBUH), etc…have been working to dismantle any semblance of sanity, reasonableness, and consensus reality for decade upon decade.
The arrival of someone like donnie is just the latest and most visible symptom of this conservative rot.