busy as usual, alas

  • Lilith@beehaw.org
    1 month ago

    Recently learned that an individual who is causing the most strife and division on my team is super hard-core MAGA Trumper. It really brings a clearer picture on why he is attacking I and the other women on the team and why those he hired are only white men. I’m already nervous about the upcoming election, but to see a supporter so emboldened in his views in the workplace gives me a more in-your-face view of how these people want their day-to-day.

  • FIash Mob #5678@beehaw.org
    1 month ago

    It’s friday.

    I made it to the gym and feel glorious. I’m on Day 4 of being a primary Linux user and it feels nice to know that I’m digitally flipping Microsoft the bird.

  • FIash Mob #5678@beehaw.org
    1 month ago

    Pretty good!

    After reading about Windows Recall last week I decided I’m making the change to Linux. (Dual boot for now, since I’m an avid gamer and don’t want to lose my games, so I need a few months to make sure nothing will break.)

    Currently typing this from my fresh installation of Brave on my fresh installation of Linux Mint.

    Feels good to say “!@#$ you, Microsoft”.

  • Ethereal87@beehaw.org
    1 month ago

    We’re deep into second kiddo territory (6 weeks) and I think I’m just feeling a bit burned out. The jump from zero to one child is HUGE and there was a lot of mourning the loss of our freedom/life for both my wife and I. We’re feeling the same dip now that we’re back into dealing with a newborn ~2 years later and while not as severe, I can tell for myself it’s there and bothering me. I’ve also been back to work the last three weeks so my schedule is basically go to work (from home) all day, take the baby most of the evening while we chase a 2 year old around, get the 2 year old to bed, then hand off the new kiddo around 8:30 - 9 so I can go to bed and I get them back somewhere around 10-11 depending on the last bottle for the rest of the night. Both kids have been good sleepers (thank god) but I’m still getting woken up somewhere around 3am for that middle of the night bottle.

    No time for really much else. I know intuitively it will get better because I saw it happen before, it’s just rough right now. No time for the mrs, hobbies, friends, etc…and I think we were figuring it out with number one really well. Just all hitting me the last few days.

    Luckily both kids are freaking adorable and the older one is overflowing with personality as they’re learning, saying, repeating more and more from daycare. It’s been awesome to see them just explode in their development. I also understand now why some parents would have leashes for their toddlers.