Lately I’ve been really liking the idea of having something hosted on a RISC-V machine. RISC-V is a non-proprietary instruction set that is a competitor to ARM. The idea of having a something running on an open source operating system, running on an open standard CPU, served from my house, gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
I was under the impression that most Linux distributions were unstable on RISC-V. Turns out, I’m wrong about that. From a quick search, the following have official Debian images:
and the Pine64 Star64 has a community-maintained Armbian image.
Does anyone here have a RISC-V single-board computer doing anything practical for you?
Currently, waiting for the Milk-V Oasis. Looking forward to a fully-compliant implementation in the SG2380. Should make for better mainline support.
I’m thinking it might be my 2.5G router when it drops. Or worst case, maybe retire the Atom I’m using for a NAS.
I’ve been using some much smaller CH32V305 based keyboard controllers for a while, recently built a fightstick aroubd the platform. Now if only I fidn’t suck at joystick games, having grown up on gamepads.
Probably not what you’re asking for, but I have an impression, that your primary motivation is curiosity and just good feeling of using the open platform, so I figured I’ll mention it.
I’m using ESP32-C3 boards with some sensors and ESPHome to monitor air quality in my house. The board is RISC-V based and can be bought for real cheap. (single digit $ price generally) ESPHome is quite easy to work with and (If you’re realistic with your expectations around very low power device) also quite powerful.
Honestly the ESPHome itself is almost too good if you’re really curious as it abstracts the differences between various boards quite well. You’re just editing a yaml file to define your desired functionality.
Even if you’re hesitant to do some soldering, you can get pretty far if you buy board and sensors with pre-soldered pins and some jumper wires.
I do! Since a while I selfhost with my risc-v Unmatched board. There are prebuilt Ubuntu Server images available. Its mainly for software which you have the source code for, and are willing to build from source. I’ve made use of docker buildx for cross cmpilation a fair bit as well. Go and Rust has good support. A good start can be to check out the riscv-bringup repo from carlosedp. Its definitely early days though, you need to be pretty motivated. Debian support is scheduled for next year AFAIK.
So, what do I actually use it for? nginx + tailscale so far
I should say as well, postgres, mariadb and memcached all support riscv, you just got to build it yourself. I have found the riscv64 ubuntu docker images useful as well to use as a base - for example the riscv64/ubuntu one.
Here’s how I build my own images. More details are in the repo, feel free to re-use