Should we stop supporting them with our eyes for taking sponsorships from shady companies?

Edit: I took my first step and unsubscribed from the channel and I will continue to withhold my viewership to those that don’t take better care of the viewers.

Likely doesn’t matter, but I’m on a roll of not giving my money to companies that are immoral so why not do the same with my eyes.

        1 month ago

        There’s no such thing as unbiased news. News is informed by all kinds of biases at every moment, many of which are completely innocuous and harmless, even good.

        For example, most news sources refer to people in stories as men or women, and use gendered pronouns. Gender is a social construct, so recognising it implicitly in an article is a bias. An unbiased news source would refer to everyone as they/them and never present a gender identity as fact. It would always refer to people as people. Well, except for the fact that personhood is a social construct too. And so is humanity. They’d have to call everyone beings or entities. And that’s bad. An unbiased news source is bad. The news should have the bias that it presents people’s gender identities as facts.

        What Ground News presents as unbiased stories are usually center-biased stories, not unbiased stories. And the lie that centrism is unbiased is dangerous. Every story on Ground News is equally biased, because everything is a bias. Their bias rating is a dangerous lie. Because encouraging people to see the most common view as unbiased causes people to go along with whatever view is common, even if it’s bad. Even if, for example, the government has been taken over by Nazis. Bias confirmation machines like Ground News are always dangerous, but they’re especially dangerous when fascism begins to be normalised, which is the struggle we’re currently facing.

          1 month ago

          they don’t write the stories though, so can’t control the pronouns. I do appreciate their effort to try make sense of the news with an alignment reading, but I agree with you that it encourages centrism in the long run

            1 month ago

            Yes, but why aren’t they marking all the news sources that implicitly push the idea that gender exists as biased in that way? Why do they ignore certain biases and not others? The answer is that they’re conflating bias with controversy. If something is uncontroversial, they’re saying it’s unbiased. That’s bad.

              1 month ago

              I guess they level a political narrative over that of social narratives. As someone who’s not LGBT (but obviously will always vote for the rights of others), it’s the political one I care about most to read, and I’m guessing a majority of their readers too.

                1 month ago

                It’s not an LGBT thing. I’m using gender as an example of a thing we can all agree is a social construct so I can make my point about bias without having to get any more controversial with it. But if you really want a political example, here is the same point but more political:

                Every news source that refers to the existence of the United States of America is biased. The USA is a social construct, it doesn’t have objective existence. And many groups have objected to its existence, as it’s a genocidal state illegally occupying stolen land. Any news article which refers to the USA as though it were a thing that exists is implicitly pushing settler colonial narratives. This is a clear bias. Ground news should be labelling any article which refers to the USA as biased.

                  1 month ago

                  Anything, if you examine it, is just a social construct. The news sometimes wield these constructs to create false narratives to constrict our views/rights, but more often than not, the news is simply trying to convey a set of events from its perspective using a shared grammar that the majority of its audience will understand.

                  We cant push the frontier without having a base.