• gian @lemmy.grys.it
    4 days ago

    Therein is the hypocrisy of the position. Its the lefts fault for not listening and for not being heard. I mean, could it possibly be because a large group of very stubborn and fact resistant people have declared their the lefts policies literally equal zero? Could it be that people refuse to listen, regardless of what the left says? No, that would be crazy talk. Its everyone else’s fault…

    Well, for not listening is obvious, they are the ones not listening.
    For not being heard is a little more complex. Maybe they are heard but simply their message is irrelevant to the listener, or maybe is wrong or targeted to the wrong audience. I mean, you can try to talk about cricket to me and I will not get your message since I don’t care about cricket. Is it your fault ? No, you cannot know everything I am interested in. But it become your fault if you don’t understand that I don’t care about cricket and you continue to talk only about it.

    The same with the left, they talked about something, people said “look, all interesting but we have some more pressing day by day problems” and the left continued to talk about the same thing. Is it their fault ? Not at the beginning but it became their fault once they don’t understand that what they are talking about is not what the people need to talk about.

    How do you get through to someone who has just declared not-zero to be zero and refuses to accept that what they made up is factually untrue? Is it my fault they do that?

    A too simple example but I get the gist. Short answer: you cannot and it is not your fault.

    But the problem with politics is not that until today people are leftist and from tomorrow they suddently become fascists, even if this is what some part of the left like to think, but that it is a process. And since it is a process it is a fault of each parties if they don’t understand it: it is a fault from the left if they don’t understand the process that drive their voters to vote for the right and likewise is a fault of the right if they don’t understand the process that drive their voters to vote for the left.

    You don’t seem to like that argument when “the other ones are bad” comes from the left

    It is more a “I don’t agree it is so bad that it need to be replaced”

    and not trying anything else is the mentality of a depressive who views hope as a dangerous illusion.

    I am afraid that trying something on a State level is way too dangerous, especially if the “something” already failed more then one time.

    Youre missing the point. The point is, by their own policy, they admit that socialism doesn’t just fail of its own accord, as they claim it does. The point isn’t that an equivalent doesn’t exist.

    I get the point: there are two opposing blocks and each one is actively trying to make the other fail. So ?

    • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
      4 days ago

      Well, for not listening is obvious, they are the ones not listening.

      Obvious to who? To the person declaring that no one is listening to them? What would the difference between them not listening and you being ignored, as you were wrong look like?

      For not being heard is a little more complex. Maybe they are heard but simply their message is irrelevant to the listener, or maybe is wrong or targeted to the wrong audience. I mean, you can try to talk about cricket to me and I will not get your message since I don’t care about cricket. Is it your fault ? No, you cannot know everything I am interested in. But it become your fault if you don’t understand that I don’t care about cricket and you continue to talk only about it.

      The problems come when people such as yourself claim the problem to be due to football, despite being caused by cricket, and then when you try to explain to them the problem is actually cricket they tell you they don’t care about cricket. Therefor, the problem must be football.

      A too simple example but I get the gist. Short answer: you cannot and it is not your fault.

      With the greatest respect, you’re doing that exact thing now.

      But the problem with politics is not that until today people are leftist and from tomorrow they suddently become fascists, even if this is what some part of the left like to think, but that it is a process. And since it is a process it is a fault of each parties if they don’t understand it: it is a fault from the left if they don’t understand the process that drive their voters to vote for the right and likewise is a fault of the right if they don’t understand the process that drive their voters to vote for the left.

      Lol stalin was always a fascist. Simply declaring oneself to be a socialist doesn’t make someone a socialist. For example, even the nazis claimed to be socialists. I agree with the latter part though.

      I am afraid that trying something on a State level is way too dangerous, especially if the “something” already failed more then one time.

      Capitalism has failed the 99.9% every single time, yet you’re okay to stick with that. It failed the planet and our our grandchildren. Please don’t come to me with that.

      I get the point: there are two opposing blocks and each one is actively trying to make the other fail. So ?

      So, by their own admission, it doesn’t fail of its own accord, like capitalism.

      • gian @lemmy.grys.it
        3 days ago

        Obvious to who? To the person declaring that no one is listening to them?

        To everyone with critical thinking. There is a part that ask about a problem and the other part never talk about the problem, it is open to be seen. And I have no problem to say that this is true to some extend both for the left and the right.

        What would the difference between them not listening and you being ignored, as you were wrong look like?

        There would not be any difference in the end result, which is why people feel they are ignored. Personally I can get that I can be wrong but if you don’t even try to explain to me the reason, the only conclusion I can make is that you are not listening to me.

        The problems come when people such as yourself claim the problem to be due to football, despite being caused by cricket, and then when you try to explain to them the problem is actually cricket they tell you they don’t care about cricket. Therefor, the problem must be football.

        I don’t think you are right. For example, if people claims that a part of the city is dangerous because all the (documented) petty crimes committed you cannot answer that the problem is that there are not enough bike paths in the city, people could rightfully say that they don’ t care about bike paths if they cannot walk on the street without being robbed.

        Capitalism has failed the 99.9% every single time, yet you’re okay to stick with that. It failed the planet and our our grandchildren. Please don’t come to me with that.

        Then I suppose that you can make an example of a actual nation where socialism (or any other system) works better.
        And, btw, it is not only capitalism that supposedly failed the planet.

        So, by their own admission, it doesn’t fail of its own accord, like capitalism.

        It was a fight. The strongest won. If socialism was that better, it should have won.

        • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
          2 days ago

          To everyone with critical thinking. There is a part that ask about a problem and the other part never talk about the problem, it is open to be seen. And I have no problem to say that this is true to some extend both for the left and the right.

          I agree that it can be both but it wasn’t clear to me at the time that you meant both. Maybe we just got out wired crossed there.

          There would not be any difference in the end result, which is why people feel they are ignored. Personally I can get that I can be wrong but if you don’t even try to explain to me the reason, the only conclusion I can make is that you are not listening to me.

          I feel like the other side would say that they have explained it to you and you rejected what that said and didn’t listen to them.

          I don’t think you are right. For example, if people claims that a part of the city is dangerous because all the (documented) petty crimes committed you cannot answer that the problem is that there are not enough bike paths in the city, people could rightfully say that they don’ t care about bike paths if they cannot walk on the street without being robbed.

          Sure but its not their foreign-ness or their being from a different race that makes it happen. It’s general poverty. The way the right frames it is as if they wouldn’t care if the crimes were committed by italians or that italians would never do those things. Its simply that the poorest do those things. Those types happen to be the poorest. Not saying you, personally of course or that they actaully think that but thats how they frame it.

          Then I suppose that you can make an example of a actual nation where socialism (or any other system) works better.

          Can you name an example of a socialist country that wasn’t attacked as much as possible, by the worlds only super power, specifically to ensure that socialism failed? Of course, you can’t. No one can. It would be like me tripping you up and then claiming you can walk properly.

          Define you use of “better” here. Better in what way and for whom?

          And, btw, it is not only capitalism that supposedly failed the planet.

          For sure, it’s not only capitalism. However, when you have the same economic outlook as cancer, you can’t act surprised when you kill the hosts ability to sustain life. We can’t logically justify an economic model thats incompatible with not having to demand perpetual growth on a finite planet.

          It was a fight. The strongest won. If socialism was that better, it should have won.

          No, one side wanted to fight. The others wanted to he left alone. The problem is, capitalism can’t tolerate any alternatives, as people will choose them over capitalism. Your other option HAS to be to starve on the street. Isnt it weird that no one sees a problem with those being your only two choices?

          Also, capitalism had over a century’s head start. I mean, its very true to capitalist form that you refuse to admit the outrageous advantage some groups start with, lest you accidentally acknowledge the fundamental problem with capitalism. However, let’s be fair here. I mean, even without that, the number of people living under each is vastly different.

          • gian @lemmy.grys.it
            2 days ago

            I feel like the other side would say that they have explained it to you and you rejected what that said and didn’t listen to them.

            It is an option, of course. And sometimes it happen. But many more times did not. What it seems is that the left wing lost their ability to talk to the common people on the street, which historically was their voters. It is an open discussion here that the right basically win over the left taking over the arguments the left had until 5/10 years ago. As i said, it was a process.

            Sure but its not their foreign-ness or their being from a different race that makes it happen. It’s general poverty. The way the right frames it is as if they wouldn’t care if the crimes were committed by italians or that italians would never do those things. Its simply that the poorest do those things. Those types happen to be the poorest. Not saying you, personally of course or that they actaully think that but thats how they frame it.

            True, but they can easily frame this way because is what people see. In these areas people don’t see Italians, they see migrants because the migrants are there, not Italians. They see that are migrants that commit the petty crimes (I’ve seen more than one myself), not the Italians. True, maybe the right exaggerate this, but the people see this.

            Honestly, if I see that in a certain zone (Central Station for example) the majority of the petty crimes I saw was committed by foreigners or people from a different races, my logical conclusion could be that these people are a problem, which in itself did not exclude the Italians, but simply start from the more visible aspect. I agree that it could be limitating of course.

            Can you name an example of a socialist country that wasn’t attacked as much as possible, by the worlds only super power, specifically to ensure that socialism failed? Of course, you can’t. No one can. It would be like me tripping you up and then claiming you can walk properly.

            All the comunist block before 1990.

            Define you use of “better” here. Better in what way and for whom?

            Better for the common people. Back at the time, my parents had it a lot better than the equivalent parents in a comunist/socialist state.

            We can’t logically justify an economic model thats incompatible with not having to demand perpetual growth on a finite planet.

            Agree on that.

            No, one side wanted to fight. The others wanted to he left alone. The problem is, capitalism can’t tolerate any alternatives, as people will choose them over capitalism. Your other option HAS to be to starve on the street. Isnt it weird that no one sees a problem with those being your only two choices?

            I distinctly remember that URSS tried pretty hard to destroy capitalism, like USA tried to destroy socialism. So URSS never wanted to quit the fight, they simply lost it.

            Also, capitalism had over a century’s head start. I mean, its very true to capitalist form that you refuse to admit the outrageous advantage some groups start with, lest you accidentally acknowledge the fundamental problem with capitalism. However, let’s be fair here. I mean, even without that, the number of people living under each is vastly different.

            As I said, I do not know how old are you, but I am old enough to remember that at the time the end result of the socialism was the exact same result of the capitalism: few ultrarich and powerfull people and a lot of poor people. Difference was that poor people from the west were anyway richer than the poor people in the comunist block, even if it started a century later. For some aspect it was way better: they arrive at the same result starting way later.