• dejected_warp_core@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    That’s alarmingly low - it suggests that it doesn’t take much for any given influencing campaign. If there are fifteen discrete such campaigns in play, that’s just 1/100 of everyone. Also, it’s probably cost-effective at these numbers, which is terrifying.

    What I want to know is: what percentage are human users that ate the onion metaphorical tequila worm1 and are now parroting these trolls?

    1. Follow me here: drink a bottle and eat the worm inside. You’re not thinking straight and did something you wouldn’t do if you had your wits about you, or maybe a friend nearby if you were thinking clearly. Propaganda has a way of forcing you into a phantasm by emotional manipulation, making it easy to jam all kinds of nonsense into your head. Extending the metaphor, said propaganda also lays out how to defend your worm eating habit as though it’s totally normal to do.