When scrolling Lemmy (compared to reddit in the past), all I see is doom and gloom / news. I don’t see interesting conversations or comments to read.

Occasionally I’ll find something, and I’ve been contributing more, but there’s just so much doom that it fills my feed.

I’ve had to unsubscribe from many communities bc it’s just doom news reposts…

Is it just me?

  • Socsa@sh.itjust.works
    4 months ago

    Lemmy, and .ml in particular is absolutely infested with right wing trolls hiding behind the thinnest veneer of leftism who are trying to doom post over the economy and geopolitics hoping young voters will check out and not vote.

    It’s literally the exact same playbook from 2016, and it’s amazing more people don’t see it.

    • fishos@lemmy.world
      15 days ago

      Exhibit A right here. If you disagree, you’re a troll/shill or Russian bot. Ffs people like you completely destroy meaningful discourse here and then you blame everyone else.

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Yes! I’m also very tired of the repetitive “capitalism bad. America bad. XYZ terrible for the environment” replies. We get it, you have things you don’t like. You don’t need to repeat it on literally every single subject that exists. There are so many low-effort comments that just recycle the same 3 subjects over and over again, regardless of the actual original topic.

  • spittingimage@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    It’s not just you, but it’s not just Lemmy either. Anywhere I go, I need to prune subs or else my feed becomes more and more pessimistic.

    I think as a species we have a mental bias that focuses on what needs changing and not what’s okay as it is.

    • a4ng3l@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I’m convinced that we can address needs for changes while not being doomsday cultists either; I’m pretty much doing it as much as I can while not being a drama queen about it and generally shutting the fuck up.

      But it doesn’t get me much attention which I guess is what the cultists are after.

      • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        I’m like 90% sure the actual hard in doomsayers are paid posters hired by the fossil fuel lobby.

        It’s become obvious that Millennials and Zoomers see fossil fuels as a curse upon the land and if they get into power they’ll do everything they can to kill the industry outright, so what’s there to do instead except to burn them out to the point that they give up?

        Where they can’t get approval, they’ll instead force apathy.

        Edit: see below convo with doomsayer insisting they’re saying anything worthwhile when they push the fossil lobby line.

        • Letstakealook@lemm.ee
          4 months ago

          I’m a millennial and have been called a “doomer” because I realize it’s essentially too late. I know people don’t like to think that, but the reality is that nothing of any significance has or is being done to curb global warming. You couple that with the fact we’ve literally poisoned everything, including ourselves, with no way to clean it up and I don’t see the quality of life for humans being great after 2050. You can blow me off as a shill if you’d like, but this is just reality. Additionally, my generation and gen z have a significant number of fascists and the pollution continues, so I don’t think that’s the solution you’re hoping for. I’d love to be wrong, but that isn’t backed by the facts.

          • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
            4 months ago

            I mean the Ottawa conference literally led to cutting temperature increase by the end of the century in half but sure kid, nothing of substance has been done.

            There is nothing the fossil lobby loves more than for you to be pissy about your right to give up. You’re not just letting them win, you’re getting amgy with people pointing out that you’re letting them win.

            • Letstakealook@lemm.ee
              4 months ago

              Where was I angry? I was adding to the conversation and you decided to be a whiny asshole with your sad attempt at belittling me (kid, really?). You’re quite pathetic, bud.

  • TJDetweiler@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    Agree. The amount of people doom saying, massively blowing things out of proportion, or having victim complexes is out of control. If you got all your news from Lemmy, you’d think society as we know it is about to collapse… or at least American society.

    Reddit has a lot of downfalls, but at least it was diverse and the memes were better.

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    I think it’s just marketing and propaganda. The companies, corporations and political forces that want to drive the world wide internet conversations are spilling over and leaking into everything including Lemmy.

    Lemmy.News has a whole group that is constantly pushing war rhetoric against Russia … lots of other groups are either right leaning or drifting to far right sentiments.

    It’s the same thing that is happening in the real world. Everyone has an opinion and if we were all honest and showed it, the world overall is a fairly liberal, open and accepting civilization.

    Unfortunately, the loudest voices are those with the most extreme views and more often than not, they have a lot of money and funding behind them because wealthy people are pushing an agenda.

    It’s not that the world has become worse, is that the worst of us have become the loudest voices while the majority of us choose not to say anything.

  • HogsTooth@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Where are the creators? The cosplayers? The rube goldberg machines made out of post it’s and shot glasses? The “I draw pictures by playing notes on a piano” people? The people porting Doom to a yoga mat? The “I made a car out of thrown out Crocs” people? The “I built a treadmill for my friend’s overweight insects” people?

    This is the stupidest shit I could think of but people are out there making and doing weirder/amazing-er things… Where are those people in Lemmy? I browse All and it’s just politics, linux, and shit posts.

    • massive_bereavement@kbin.social
      4 months ago

      You’ve gotta start somewhere.

      Consider that with both Reddit and Digg, their initial communities where mostly technical, and with time, the creative people slowly and gradually got in.

      However IMO finding an active community within the diaspora of finicky servers and empty channels, makes it less alluring than a centralized service.

      I simply hope that at some point, finding out communities will become easier.

  • VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
    4 months ago

    We do need to address certain toxic traits that are bringing things down, hyper negativity is the default as well as intense partisanship to the point where anyone with a slightly unpopular opinion is instantly labeled as an troll, bot, or agent of dark forces - you can see it a dozen times just in this thread.

    There is no debate here because anyone who doesn’t follow the groupthink is chased out, the news is super biased because of this but it also spills over in to everywhere.

    I think there are too many people that think they should be the dictator of lemmy, we really need to start up voting good posts and useful content rather than knee-jerk down voting.

    • fishos@lemmy.world
      15 days ago

      The echochamber formed fast and hard here. It’s really sad to see. It feels less like a new place and more like another clubhouse. And ffs, content is so slow. Gotta surf top of all time and still barely find content.

    • bigFab@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Yep. It’s like everytime I comment maybe we are not really making ukrainian lifes easier by giving them bombs ppl will insult me or at the very least call me russian agent. I’ve never been in Russia, have 0 russian/simpatizer friends and I think Putin is a despot, bc he is. Five comments insulting me have been removed already. Please keep up the good work.

        • bigFab@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          I know my opinion is very unpopular, but apparently at least 7 ppl here think I deserve to be insulted for it.

          • Syn_Attck@lemmy.today
            4 months ago

            Downvotes aren’t insults and no one replied to you except me. But I’m curious, how do you think letting Russia topple Ukraine would improve their lives? That’s what not giving them weapons does, allows Ukraine to invade and take their country. And it won’t stop there, Crimea and the current war is evidence of that.

            • bigFab@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              I appreciate your interest for an intellectual argumentation. I guess you mean Russia to invade Ukraine.

              The same way you said downvotes of my complaint about insulting me doesn’t necessarily mean they support it, notice I never said the solution is to let Russia militarily overtake Ukraine.

              Ppl love to talk how good they are doing to Ukraine, but the conflict doesn’t really seem ending anytime soon. I just admit I don’t know myself how this mess is solved.

              That said, if I was ukrainian I would totally prefer to be supported by allied troops, not only bombs. Instead we made Ukraine Europe’s real life Battlefield game. Good to test new military equipment and watch russians being blown up from our warm livingrooms and coffee tables.

              • Syn_Attck@lemmy.today
                4 months ago

                Are you Russian or Chinese by chance? I typically don’t hear people saying that Russia is doing a great job, instead I usually hear what you say, that it will probably go on for a long time.

                Western countries giving support, weapons, and ammunition to Ukraine and also volunteers from other countries going to fight with them mean that they have a chance at holding Russia off. If Western support were to end, Russia would fairly quickly take over and annex Ukraine, which they promised not to do again after Crimea. Russia thought this would be a quick 3 day special operation, but they underestimated Zelenskyy and his ability to bring Ukraine together, so it’s turned into a 2 year war. After 2 years, Ukraine doesn’t have the supplies needed to hold them off.

                However, if NATO invoked Article 5 for any physical or cyberattacks against, say, Poland, or if the US or any country decided to send boots on the ground in Ukraine, Putin and military leaders have threatened the use of nuclear force too many times to chance calling their bluff as when it comes to nukes, you only have to be wrong once and the entire world suffers.

                So it’s a complicated situation but currently the only outcomes seem to be supporting them with weapons and ammunition and intelligence, or letting them to fall to Russia.

                • bigFab@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  Dude, did you even read my comment earlier? I said I don’t even have russian friends or simpatizers. What makes you still believe I’m russian?

                  Anyways, all you say is captain obvious staff. Nothing new or own thinking process. I guess it’s easier to sleep at night when all is figured out.

                  Listen one thing: it’s true Putin threatens with nukes in case Nato troops join the fight. You are 100% sure the right solution for this conflict is to aid Ukraine militarily. But didn’t Putin also threaten to use nukes if Ukraine was to win the war?