Dispenses at only 8oz/min so you have to keep clicking ads?
I’d unplug that thing on general principle.
They inflict this shit on people, yet if you destroy the brainwashing machine, somehow you’re the one considered a criminal.
Make sure to unscrew the water hose from the back and hang it on the machine so people can still get water!
Next they’ll require eye contact to continue dispensing.
“Drink verification can” really is only a matter of time.
Next you have to cup the balls.
I don’t know, if I was in Philadelphia I’d probably deserve to be punished too.
Hang on!
This is for flavored water. Commenter in that post states that plain water is still free without ads, dispenses any amount, at any temperature.
They also say it’s extremely slow so a large line builds, and that this dystopian ad machine replaced a public water fountain.
Everything is being made shittier and they don’t even pretend like airport experience ain’t exploitation
It’s soda stream. Top10 on the boycott list. Their shit straight up comes from the illegal settlements in the west bank.