We noticed this community was abandoned by its previous moderators, and so we’re here to help it thrive again!
We’re looking for new moderators to help make this a truly awesome community. Keep in mind that as a moderator, it would be up to you to make sure all posts are following the Lemmy.World’s rules, and your own community rules.
Server rules can be found on https://lemmy.world/legal
If you are interested in moderating this community, please reply to this post with your time zone and availability.
I can be one.
Im in +1GMT - Happy to help out
If you need help, I’m here.
Leave it to beaver
Looks like you’ve gotten a few bites already after the recent community split but lemme know if you still could use an extra set of (chronically active) eyes.
I am willing to be a mod. I am very active. My only downside would be I used to be a redditor and dealt with all the bad mods and don’t want that to happen to someone else. Well unless they deserve it or break rules.
Sure, can you PM me?
Have you received the PM from Don_Dickle? Are you able to add them as a mod?
I did, but it seems I cannot add them as a mod.
Hm, you might need a local account I guess.
@MrKaplan@lemmy.world , could you please maybe help here? Thank you 🙏
@rikudou@lemmings.world @kersploosh@lemmy.world @MrKaplan@lemmy.world
Sorry for the pings, trying to help this motivated new joiner
No problem!
no problem don’t even feel them.
I was saying sorry to the people pinged, ha ha
What is the status on this? Did you DM Rikudou?
yep forgot what day i did it but it is done.