The White House statement comes after a week of frantic negotiations in the Senate.

President Joe Biden on Friday urged Congress to pass a bipartisan bill to address the immigration crisis at the nation’s southern border, saying he would shut down the border the day the bill became law.

“What’s been negotiated would — if passed into law — be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country,” Biden said in a statement. “It would give me, as President, a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. And if given that authority, I would use it the day I sign the bill into law.”

Biden’s Friday evening statement resembles a ramping up in rhetoric for the administration, placing the president philosophically in the camp arguing that the border may hit a point where closure is needed. The White House’s decision to have Biden weigh in also speaks to the delicate nature of the dealmaking, and the urgency facing his administration to take action on the border — particularly during an election year, when Republicans have used the issue to rally their base.

The president is also daring Republicans to reject the deal as it faces a make-or-break moment amid GOP fissures.

      5 months ago

      Because this will undercut the only politically popular Republican position, which Republicans are currently wielding as a cudgel against the Biden Administration. In the process, Republicans are treating the people crossing the border worse and worse, increasing human suffering. If Biden can take control of the narrative of the border, there is a real possibility he can start to make things better and decrease human suffering.

        5 months ago

        “Just a few hundreds more people in concentration camps and thousands more deported, and we can finally stop the Republicans from imprisoning and deporting immigrants and refugees!”

        Democrats having a normal one about human rights, eh?

        Edit: This may be a good place to remind everyone that the people we’re de facto targeting with these policies are people with indigenous roots. This can and should be interpreted through the lens of colonialism and our ongoing genocide against Native groups.

        Edit 2: Oh boy I cannot believe I have to say this, but these people with indigenous roots are not limited to Mexico and Central America. Does anyone know anything about history here?? My God, I’d assume if one is going to comment that one would at least have the slightest idea what they’re talking about.

        Edit 3: And to the people who think it’s some kinda “gotcha” to point out that I’m disengaging from people who are shit-deep in the anti-immigrant hysteria, you got me. Nearly half my family are immigrants, some of whom have been detained and/or deported by our racist border policy, and I live surrounded by batshit conservatives. So yes, this is a sensitive and personal issue to me. If I wanted to talk to people like that, I’d go to the gas station or bar. Lemmy is my opportunity to talk to people who at the bare minimum agree on certain fundamental ideals, an opportunity I don’t have much in real life. I will block and report you for name calling or other uncivilized attacks on my character.

          5 months ago

          What, in the purview of an election year (and risk of putting someone obviously orders-of-magnitude worse for such people), with the right-wing border propaganda resonating with many voters, with GOP border states that don’t actually want to work with Biden, and with a divided Congress, do you want Biden to do?

          It’s one thing to throw peanuts from the peanut gallery, but another to look at the pragmatic reality and actual viable options versus consequences.

            5 months ago

            Treating people’s lives like political pawns in a campaign is NOT okay. Stop trying to normalize this shit.

            Don’t ever speak to me again. Enabling this shit is a horrible thing to do to people. Let’s put you in a camp or send you into a violent situation and see how much you like it. “BuT iT’s ElEcTiOn YeAr” I don’t care

              5 months ago

              I say again since you’re obviously deflecting: It’s one thing to throw peanuts from the peanut gallery, but another to look at the pragmatic reality and actual viable options versus consequences.

              You can live with your idealistic pyrrhic victory while you naively reject the reality of the political consequences and put someone far worse in power. But you do you, buddy.

                  5 months ago

                  Frankly it makes me wonder if they are. Unfortunately we know it’s a common tactic for them to pretend they’re leftist and wedge-drive to sow apathy.

        5 months ago

        If Biden can take control of the narrative of the border, there is a real possibility he can start to make things better and decrease human suffering.

        There’s a possibility he can, but no possibility he will.

          5 months ago

          What other option does the Biden administration have when working with Republican border states, a split Congress, and a massive right-wing media megaphone of disinformation?

            5 months ago

            The great thing is that no matter how much he capitulates, Republicans will immediately scream that the borders are wide open.

            He could be invading Mexico and shooting anything that moves and Republicans wouldn’t accept it as enough.

              5 months ago

              Partly true. So do nothing and accept that a majority of independents and even a sizable chunk of Democrats have concern over the (admittedly inflated) “border issue”?

                5 months ago

                No matter what Biden does, Republicans will ignore it and scream “open borders” anyway.

                He gains nothing from this but the sheer joy Democrats experience when they throw vulnerable minorities under the bus.

                  5 months ago

                  Of course Republicans will. We write them off.

                  But we’re talking about swing voters and independents, and even some Democrats who have this as a top issue.

                  You lose those, you lose the election, and now life gets very bad for immigrants and minorities for years to come.

    5 months ago

    The election year eternal immigrant caravan strikes again. I get the move politically, but it’s unfortunate the GOP is so much better at messaging and controlling public focus than the Dems. They have no answer but to play the game on Republican terms.

      5 months ago

      Not that Republicans want to actually solve the issue because much like abortion it’s better to always be a looming scare tactic to use politically, but I kind of appreciate this move because the border is literally the only thing Republicans remotely have going into this election… And frankly, that isn’t much. This border crisis thing has gone on for years and no matter how much they try to use it against Dems, it ultimately doesn’t particularly impact voting outcomes all that much.

      • They can’t talk about the economy.
      • They can’t talk about covid.
      • They can’t talk about Law & Order without being reminded of Trump’s 91 criminal charges.

      … Border is all that is resonating a little with (frankly ignorant) voters.

          5 months ago

          Yeah I was going to clarify… That completely backfired.

          Like most issues: if we let Republicans completely have what they want, it is overwhelmingly unpopular. If we let Democrats have what they want, it is overwhelmingly popular, generally.

            5 months ago

            So why is the Biden administration doing what Republicans want here? Their name and our party’s name is going to be all over the overwhelmingly unpopular policies and Republicans are just going to keep saying the border’s a problem no matter what we do

              5 months ago

              Because no matter how one slices it, the “border issue” is the only thing that is resonating with voters.

              The partisan split on the issue is broad, with 81 percent of Republicans, 68 percent of independents and 45 percent of Democrats saying conditions are worsening — 34 percent of Democrats said conditions are staying the same, while 21 percent said they’re improving.

              It has overtaken Inflation as the #1 issue.

              Because Democrats can’t actually do what needs to be done to solve the root problems of the border issue, the only option is to absorb the position of Republicans to take the wind out of their sails, and hopefully, be more responsible and discretionary in the process itself. Yeah Republicans will refuse to give Biden that victory, but Biden can still rebuttal in ads and on debate stages, “Oh yeah? I agreed to doing everything and more than what Republicans want and you’re still obstructing me!” (so in reality, like you said: nothing will change anyway because Republicans won’t actually endorse this and lose their last political bruiser, so what’s to lose?)

                5 months ago

                A link for that quote would be appreciated.

                Because Democrats can’t actually do what needs to be done to solve the root problems of the border issue

                They could be doing more to improve things and stop crap like this that makes it worse

                absorb the position of Republicans to take the wind out of their sails

                I have no earthly idea how you could think this will do that, it’s going to do the exact opposite by making all the people who aren’t really paying attention say “Gosh, I guess the Republicans must be right about this if the Democrats are trying to to pass their type of policies. I guess if we need a Republican approach to solve this totally real issue we should probably get it from a Republican government.”

                Biden can still rebuttal in ads and on debate stages, "Oh yeah? I agreed to doing everything and more than what Republicans want

                Republicans: “Biden’s lying or has Alzheimer’s, we wanted [xyz crap they make up on the spot] and Biden never offered it.”

                Journalists: “Our fact checkers sai-”

                Republicans: “Fake news”

                Voters: “I like their confidence! And besides, when I think ‘tough’ on the border or crime or whatever, I know that isn’t Democrats, that’s the Republican’s thing! Maybe a Democrat will talk tough when they want to get reelected but they won’t ever really do it, and there is absolutely nothing that can happen to change my mind about this because I don’t pay attention to anything because the news depresses me.”

                so what’s to lose?)

                If this legislation does pass people will suffer and die

                e; trying to be less of a sarcastic asshole

                  5 months ago


                  They could be doing more to improve things and stop crap like this that makes it worse

                  This is conveniently ambiguous. What, specifically?

                  I have no earthly idea how you could think this will do that, it’s going to do the exact opposite by making all the people who aren’t really paying attention say “Gosh, I guess the Republicans must be right about this if the Democrats are trying to to pass their type of policies. I guess if we need a Republican approach to solve this totally real issue we should probably get it from a Republican government.”

                  Why would you think that and not, “Gosh, I think Democrats are actually doing a pretty good job and I really don’t want to vote for Trump, and since they seem to be trying to solve the border issue as well which was my chief concern, I really don’t have a reason to not vote for them now.”?

                  You have to remember that the independents / moderates / centrists in this country are pretty easily-swayed. They go with the currents. They get fixated on the national talking-points that tend to be governed by the onslaught of right-wing media propaganda that dominates the airwaves and social media.

                  If people are saying: “I like Democrats, but I am concerned about the border,” – what option do Democrats have BUT to at least LOOK like they’re cracking down on this issue (even if they know deep-down the premise is bullshit)?

                  • So you’re Biden.
                  • You can’t actually change the current events in any meaningful way with a split Congress and Republican border states unwilling to work with you.
                  • Yet you’re still being blamed publicly for not “handling” the border.
                  • Public polling is showing your team that this is the ONLY thing that is really sticking with swing voters.
                  • You know it’s all bullshit, but you can’t publicly state this because right-wing media propaganda is controlling the narrative.
                  • You know if you lose, someone proven far, far worse will get in and be orders-of-magnitude worse for such immigrants.
                  • So what do you do…?
                  • You Call the Bluff of Republicans. You say, “Okay let’s do it. But give me control to do it.”
                  • Republicans obviously won’t because they don’t actually want to do this; they just want to use it as a political tool to hammer Democrats with.
                  • Nothing changes, but now you can at least have a rebuttal come election season.

                  What is wrong with this, and what alternative do you offer, substantively, concretely?

                  If this legislation does pass people will suffer and die

                  It won’t. Trump already undermined it. And if it does, Democrats win the election and can reverse it instead of it just passing a year down the road and being in place for much, much longer with even more people dying.

                  Edit: Sorry I forgot to respond to this:

                  Voters: “I like their confidence! And besides, when I think ‘tough’ on the border or crime or whatever, I know that isn’t Democrats, that’s the Republican’s thing! Maybe a Democrat will talk tough when they want to get reelected but they won’t ever really do it, and there is absolutely nothing that can happen to change my mind about this because I don’t pay attention to anything because the news depresses me.”

                  Fairly, I do agree there are voters out there like this. The question is how many versus how many who go, “Well, at least I see Democrats are trying, and what difference is it when Trump said he’d build the wall but didn’t… So I think I’ll just go with the stable choice since the border was my #1 issue and that was my last concern for voting for Biden. Trump is otherwise just too risky…”

                  And I mean not to sound like a broken record, but what is the alternative plan – just ignore the fact that a majority of independents view this as a major concern and the border issue (again, manufactured as it is) is now the #1 issue with voters overall? Is that really a winning strategy?

                  Regardless, you and I aren’t privy to the massive amount of polling and focus groups these campaigns with millions of dollars have. Clearly, they have data that probably fills in the gaps that you and I can only otherwise speculate over.