I don’t understand why this meme [template] exists. Did they rocket this guy up there to shoot him? Why would be be in space if he couldn’t be trusted with the truth?
I think the original showed the earth being a flat disk and the first astronaut says “it’s really flat?” And the second one says “always has been”. But is about to shoot him to keep the knowledge of it safe from the masses.
But in this case, the one with the gun is Microsoft.
I don’t understand why this meme [template] exists. Did they rocket this guy up there to shoot him? Why would be be in space if he couldn’t be trusted with the truth?
I think the original showed the earth being a flat disk and the first astronaut says “it’s really flat?” And the second one says “always has been”. But is about to shoot him to keep the knowledge of it safe from the masses.
But in this case, the one with the gun is Microsoft.
I’m not sure why you were downvoted but you’re right about the origin. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/wait-its-all-ohio-always-has-been
It is? I remembered the original as the continent being a giant Idaho and the first astronaut asks “it’s all Idaho?”
Here’s what I found about it. https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/what-is-wait-its-all-ohio-the-always-has-been-meme-explained
Yes and why the fuck would someone like that be flown into space
It’s a meme.