I went to college a long time ago. Since then the LHC verified the higgs boson. The higgs field and the higgs bubbles that separated quarks from antiquarks is something I’ve been looking at.
However I never took quantum mechanics and have little understanding of quantum fields. I would like to rectify that problem.
Can someone with knowledge give me a push in the right direction… What books to start with, are there online lectures?
Thank you
PBS SpaceTime has a lot of good videos that slowly broach the subject
Viascience series have a little more of the math
Videos on Quantim Dynamics https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL193BC0532FE7B02C
Videos on Quantum Field Theory https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsp_BbZBIk_6_5pi9tHHmoVJzjqpfBkgJ
Thank you
I also vote for PBS Space Time