this is what makes the xenoblade games funny
Whenever I hear that word I have to think about the project versioning system
In my piece of the world in addition to these meanings, it also means get
To with the versioning system in my head, it’s always
Git add Git commit Git push Git tae fuck
Well, Torvalds said he always names his projects after himself.
Nice bum.
Look at the baps on 'er.
I love this in general but I especially love that it works whether read from left to right like English usually is or right to left like manga usually are 😄
Git push origin ass
Squash it like it’s hot
Seriously, girl’s got ass gap.
it tho …
I would advocate for localization but I’d never read that shit outside a goof.
Here’s my hot take:
This isn’t any worse than manga misspelling words to show a character has an accent.
Beatrix Amerhauser is what made me stop reading Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead.
This isn’t any worse than manga misspelling words to show a character has an accent.
So, to provide some context, a couple of years ago, this specific manga got really, really popular on reddit’s r/manga subreddit, and a bunch of fan translator groups picked it up. It was released on Twitter one page at a time, and at a certain point the number of translations got so out of hand that people eventually started making parody translations of it. This is one of those parody translations.
I need to know what manga this is
Don’t Fancy 2: The Gittening
The Tsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsundere Girl Getting Less and Less Tsun Day by Day by Yaki Tomato.
Oh shit, you’re serious! I thought you were making fun of the increasingly long, ridiculous anime/manga titles of the last few years.
That’s very explicitly what the author of the manga was doing when they named it, by the way.
That too which is why I didn’t even add a quip haha
I’d probably stop noticing after a few minutes.
British people shouldn’t be allowed. Like in general
Right out.
Well, you know where we are if you ever want to put in a formal complaint.
Nnnnice try, lobsterback, but you won’t trick me into stepping foot on that sopping, moldy island. Islands are supposed to be tropical paradises and you defy nature witb your very existence.
Also /s in case anyone was wondering.
Having been made to live in England for 2 years by the US Government. I agree.
Cam on Ingerland
Scor som fackin goals
You don’t really appreciate Manga until you’ve read in the original American.
On the contrary, I want more of it done in British comedy similar to the 1980s version of Lum the Space Invader (urusei yatsura) because of how amazing it was. I think they only did maybe an episode or two from what I remember when I looked it up hoping they had more, but it was like if the Ghost Stories dub took itself seriously and didn’t rely on mostly just adult and shock humor while still making it funnier than hell.
Excellent; no notes. Do they have the full series anywhere?
You fackin weebs’ll read all your fackin mangas in Vinnie Jones’s voice and you’ll fackin like it
Fokken right!