Absolutely. Ever since shitflix removed the star ratings and reviews that were done by real people, I stopped believing any of that
“top list” bullshit.
You know I’ve worked on these sorts of bullshit features (under protest) as a developer (special sorting algorithms that bump up the score of monetized entries over organic (aka real) ones) and somehow I never stopped to think that everyone was likely doing the same.
PSA: The top 10 lists are 100% bought and paid for, or pushed by the streaming service in question.
Absolutely. Ever since shitflix removed the star ratings and reviews that were done by real people, I stopped believing any of that “top list” bullshit.
You know I’ve worked on these sorts of bullshit features (under protest) as a developer (special sorting algorithms that bump up the score of monetized entries over organic (aka real) ones) and somehow I never stopped to think that everyone was likely doing the same.
Naivety, I guess
Something like this?
SELECT * FROM content ORDER BY (views + bribe) DESC;
oh my how scandalous
The new payola… payolix?
‘Top 10 highest Netflix bribes’.