So far, I always cold crash to get the impurities/ carbohydrates to fall out of the solution and leave a less hazy wort. I like a gnarly trub in my kettle, before I start transferring to the ale pail/ bucket fermenter. So, I don’t know what a beer would taste like without it. I’ve only brewed ales and lambics so far.
My freezer is tiny. Check your freezer size privilege, man! ;)
well wouldn’t you need a freezer to store that ice anyways if there is some left?
Welp, no place in the freezer, guess I’ll need to have another margarita!
No, I’m American. Every drink is 64 oz and I need 5 kilos of ice for one batch of homebrew beer.
Are you cold crashing when you brew? I brew beer but haven’t cold crashed a batch yet. Is there a difference in the taste?
So far, I always cold crash to get the impurities/ carbohydrates to fall out of the solution and leave a less hazy wort. I like a gnarly trub in my kettle, before I start transferring to the ale pail/ bucket fermenter. So, I don’t know what a beer would taste like without it. I’ve only brewed ales and lambics so far.