He’s going to act all goody-too-shoes, like he’s above that. Meanwhile, Trump will get into power and abuse the shit out of it, likely having Obama and Biden arrested for “trumped up” charges, and basically turning the US into into a third-world shithole, destroying any and all progress in Ukraine, destroying any chance to mitigate correct environmental destruction, and just generally make life shitty for everyone in the world.
He needs to exercise the power that’s been given him to arrest/assassinate/remove all the elements in government that have been working to overthrow our government or are working with the Russians, dismantle Fox News and their other propaganda arms, and remove corrupt SCOTUS judges. Then, he needs to announce he’s stepping down and call for a new election. Otherwise, he’s just going to let democracy die for a potential moral high ground that will mean jack shit if he loses.
He’s going to act all goody-too-shoes, like he’s above that. Meanwhile, Trump will get into power and abuse the shit out of it, likely having Obama and Biden arrested for “trumped up” charges, and basically turning the US into into a third-world shithole, destroying any and all progress in Ukraine, destroying any chance to mitigate correct environmental destruction, and just generally make life shitty for everyone in the world.
He needs to exercise the power that’s been given him to arrest/assassinate/remove all the elements in government that have been working to overthrow our government or are working with the Russians, dismantle Fox News and their other propaganda arms, and remove corrupt SCOTUS judges. Then, he needs to announce he’s stepping down and call for a new election. Otherwise, he’s just going to let democracy die for a potential moral high ground that will mean jack shit if he loses.