I think I’m extremely weird for this, and I try to explain it as good as possible.

See, whenever I do something I enjoy, be it designing something in CAD for fun, working out at home, watching a new show I enjoy, playing video games… it goes well as long as I’m completely alone. But as soon as someone even as little as encourages me, I loose all interest in this and stop doing it for some time until I am alone some weeks, months or even years later and I do it again, have fun for some days, and then someone finds out what I’m doing and I just stop it.

Is this normal? What is this called? Is there help?

  • BillDaCatt@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I also lose interest in certain things when asked about them. I try to continue anyway, but I am not always successful at doing that. There is a project I am currently working on that I am struggling to complete because of this.

    For me it’s the anxiety of disappointing the other person. I would rather they are disappointed right now rather than make an effort and have them still disappointed.

    As I have gotten older I have learned to mostly ignore the the anxious thoughts, because they are often not true, but they are always there and I am not always able to shake those feelings.

    Talk with your doctor. It’s likely they can help you with this.