I’ve actually skipped work just to help a homeless guy get his beard trimmed. Bought him pizza too. Kinda hard to get anywhere in life when you look like shit.
Be kind to the homeless, they just need a helping hand here and there.
What would you do?
Had a dude come around in my neighborhood a few times. It was the middle of the summer and it can get above 100 where I live. Gave him pbj and some water because if was all I had at the time. He only asked for food and water. Haven’t seen him in a year now though.
My mind initially skipped the p in pbj and it altered the story significantly
I hope the fella is doing okay these days. Thank you on his/her behalf for helping them in a brief time of need. Even if that’s all you could do, at least it’s something.
People like you help me restore a few points in faith in humanity. 👍
We live in Canada in a very rural area. We’ve opened our door to strangers. Gave people a place to sleep and a hot meal, even let them live with us for a time to get their feet under themselves. I’d hope someone would do the same for my family if they needed it.
Side note: one of these folks is actually here today having supper with us and hanging with the kiddos. She’s got a job and a house now and going back to school in September. Two years ago we let her set her tent up here and use the washroom for a few weeks.
First I’d wonder how they got through my security gate. I would not let them in. I’m a 5’3" middle-aged woman and I know my limitations, I’m not as young and strong as I used to be. I would talk to them through the door and not open it. If they said they wanted food and water, I might give them something but I would tell them to back up far away from the door before I put anything out there for them. Once they took it, I would ask them to leave.
Security gate is basically typing in 999
I am skeptical on letting my friends in my house. I am not going let a random person with high odds of having some sort of physical/mental issue in my house no thank you.
Will I help? Absolutely. Just in anywhere that isn’t my house.
Fix him a sandwich, get him some water, and tell him I don’t let strangers in my house.
I’ve done just that, twice in the twenty odd years I’ve owned it. Before that, my dad owned it and had different rules about who had access to resources, so I would have followed his, if it had arisen.
But! I would offer to bring my spare trimmer and hook him up on the porch, or a shave if he wanted. That used to be part of my job, and I miss the hell out of personal care. I’d also offer to let him use a mirror instead though.
I’m hard core about no strangers in the house, period, ever. Don’t care why they want in, don’t care who they are, if I haven’t said it’s okay, nobody comes in. Hell, there’s people we know that aren’t allowed in. I’ve got one cousin in particular that will get his ass beat again if he shows up. But someone we don’t know, that I haven’t vetted? Hellll no.
Shit, I’d rent a motel room for a homeless person before I’d let the cleanest, best dressed stranger in my house, and I’m on a fixed income.
But, I’m actually known to be a soft touch for food and beverage. It’s a thing. If I know you well enough to let you in, you will never go hungry at my house. If I don’t know you well enough to invite you in, I still won’t let you go hungry or thirsty, but I’ll ask you to move along with the supplies. I’d have to have my family be starving before I’d refuse basic food and water to someone.
I’m curious what you mean by fixed income.
Do you mean a non hourly salary? Is that is what you mean, why does it matter?
Fixed income is a general term for someone that can’t change their income because it is provided by a social safely net. In my case, that’s the US disability system, SSDI in specific. You get a monthly income and that’s that. There is some wiggle room for other income, but if most of the people on SSDI could do enough work for that, they wouldn’t qualify for SSDI in the first place.
But it also refers to retired people on social security, and sometimes even people that get income from a pension.
In other words, the amount you get is not only “fixed”, there isn’t a way to increase it reliably.
There in the US, even the maximum SSDI amount you can get is below the poverty line. We’re lucky in that there are three adults on various SS programs, so we do have a little disposable income at the end of the month, but we’re talking maybe twenty or thirty bucks.
Thanks for explaining.
I always thought it exclusively meant that someone had retired and were on pension but I doubt there are many if any that old on Lemmy.
The term doesn’t really exist where I live. Or at least as far as I know.
Not the hero we deserve nor the one we need.
I’ve got one cousin in particular that will get his ass beat again if he shows up.
Chuck? Is that you?
Can’t hear knocking on the door from the living room and my doorbell is disabled most of the time. So unless people notfify me of their visit there is a good chance I just won’t open the door at all.
Also there is a big construction site in front of my house right now, so I’m wearing noise canceling headphone most of the time. And with those I hardly even hear the doorbell when it’s on.
Had something similar in 2020 happen. Things happened and it ended with him and my mom getting into a heated argument as to why he can’t get help from police or some other resources (which I can’t remember). Ended with my mom pretty much telling the guy not to return.
He played the part of a nice person, but in the end he was trouble. So I think my answer to this would probably be not to trust them.
Oh, indeed, never fully trust any stranger. But do be willing to give people a helping hand, and sometimes a cautious chance.
I’ve even met a homeless woman that took care of my friend’s car when he fucked up and got arrested LOL! No joke, this woman was legit. She didn’t exactly know where to take the car, and it took us like 2 days to find her, while my buddy was still locked up, but she never left town and we found her at the local McDonald’s.
She was quite honest and decent about it too, apparently my buddy told her to take it, so it wouldn’t get impounded. So, even though she was homeless and all, she still had honor and decency. And yes, we returned his car back where he was staying.
We still see the lady around here and there, seems she bounces from place to place and occasionally finds work. She might be homeless from time to time, but she’s genuinely honest and does what she can.
I have a lot of unhoused neighbors so I regularly leave out fresh socks, a pair of gloves here and there, basic toiletries, and food for their pets. If one came to my door I’d be happy to try giving a haircut, but no refunds.
You seem to have “but what if” responses for every answer.
My answer is no because I don’t trust them. Same reason I keep my little dog away from all pit bulls, I don’t trust them. Same reason I accept some women want to keep distance with all men, lack of trust.
There’s water in the bubbler at my local park.
Yes, of course I intended on my post to be interpreted hypothetically. Every situation is different, and every person is different.
I’m not a hairdresser and wouldn’t have confidence trimming a guy’s beard. Other than that, I’d let him in, get to know him a little, maybe give him a salad with water, and yeah the shower would be on the house, you think I’d charge for a scent cleanse using Earth’s most abundant resource? I just hope he brought clothes, unless he doesn’t mind wearing women’s clothes.
Meh, I just put the 3/8" guard on the clippers and simply trimmed him down. Easy enough when you’re not going for any style at all except short hair.
There are some cultural differences here that affects the equations. If homelessness is taken care of that doesn’t mean there are no people on the streets. There will however be a a certain “enrichment” in what type of people are there.
Our constitution demands that everyone must have a life worth human dignity. If somebody looses everything, gouvernment provides housing and funds for minimum standards of living.
So for that reason, only ones that are on the streets are the ones who can’t/won’t take care of themselves, even if these things are given to then, but are not so far gone they could be institutionalized. Everyone is still free to get hammered and be on the streets.
Very often these people have long history on substance abuse and have degraded to a level of a child. Police often picks them up, so they can be washed, because they often soil themselves. They are not dangerous, because then they would be institutionalized, but they are very smelly and often vocally abusive.
Would I open my door to these people? No.
I would give then food and water if needed, but these are not things they ask for.
Warn them that they are trespassing, call the cops, and then wait hours for one to arrive and either remove the filth or shoot it since it would take a high level of mental illness and/or nefarious motives to approach a strangers home and demand shit.
Another bloodthirsty ghoul hit from BaroqueInMind of seven different modlog pages…
Woah dude. I’m with everyone else saying they’re not letting a stranger in their house. Calling them filth and talking about shooting them is psycho shit
I’m not shooting anyone, the cops are.
“Lemme just call the local lynch mob”-assed cracker istg you STAY finding ways to abjectly disgust me and wish for the collapse of our society. YIMBY-assed cracker istg.
Like they said, psycho
He’s a psycho, I’ve already tagged him as such.
Hell no.
Are you u all living in rosy mc Rosewood Santa’s little safe harbour everything is fine and dandy rainbow world? Or are you all lying through your teeth?
Letting someone in your home with clearly visible psychological issues, in your circle of trust, filled with those you hold most dearly and packed with your dearest memories, that place… And then letting someone in you know nothing about?
Hell fucking no.
In the real world letting some rando homeless dude in your home has a 50/50 chance of ending up in crazy town. There is a high probability that you, yours or your stuff get fucked up. I cannot and will not accept those odds. Even a 2% chance of shit happening is a risk I’m unwilling to take when it comes to my kids.
Would I help him? Maybe. It depends on some factors (like can I at that specific time, did I help him out earlier, do I have cash on hand) Would I let him in? No f-ing way.
So real answer: money: maybe, eat & drink: anytime. Clothes: I’ve got some you can have, no problem. Bath and clean: nope. Never.
This is my thought as well. Even if things go well this time, who’s to say they will not feel entitled to come back. Maybe with or without your knowledge.
I’d send them away otherwise I might start getting a regular visitor to my house asking for stuff.
In public, I’m happy to give money or food.
While I do agree with you. Your wording could be a little bit better. You seem like a glass half empty kind of person, and I can respect that. However your statement makes it seem like all homeless people have some kind of dangerous psychological issues, and that is a wild accusation. Mental health problems come in all shapes and sizes
However your statement makes it seem like all homeless people have some kind of dangerous psychological issues, and that is a wild accusation.
He never said anything like this, and specifically called out pretty low probabilities throughout his comment.
As someone with diagnosed mental health issues, I can tell you that I mean no harm. But sadly, the pure difference in perception paired with unfamiliarity of the two parties makes the situation insanely dangerous, not the person.
You never know why the person is in this predicament and if they have a tendency towards violence, robbery or other things. I‘m not saying they are. I‘m saying you have to assume they are before making that decision. Can you defend yourself against a pulled knife or even gun, do you have enough mental capacity to observe them at all times. Those odds do not look good.
So, although I would never willingly look down on folks less fortunate than myself. I too will never ever let a stranger into my house if they raise any concerns.
“if they raise any concerns”
Yes indeed, those words sum it up pretty well. Everybody is different. Every situation is different.
Everyone deserves a chance though, with caution of course…
Very better wording. Sorry if I was seeming like a dick. I’ve always had the view that people generally mean no harm, but might have articulated it in the wrong way. I’m definitely trying to work on that with myself as well. I also have mental health issues, and I was homeless for a good 2 years of my life, and would have been longer if a person didn’t invite a scruffy person into their home and show them goodness and ask for nothing in return.
After I typed that, I had to think about it for a bit. I was probably one of the few lucky ones. I’ve had the experience working in movie theaters, and I’ve encountered many homeless and have had good and bad experiences. The bad is more memorable (which probably says more about human nature rather than social conception at this point), but had many great experiences with homeless people. I have stories, but I’ll save them for the sake of typing a shit ton lol.
TL;DR: I like the cut of your jib, you seem very intelligent, and have good points. However, I still believe the whole argument comes down to pessimis vs optimism. I’m a very long winded person, so tldr are hard for me
Thank you for your opinion, every individual is different. Homeless does not inherently equate to psychological issues nor drug addiction.
Sometimes people just had their house destroyed from a hurricane or tornado or whatever, and insurance done fucked them over, if they even had proper insurance in the first place.
Sorry you’re getting downvoted, but you got my upvote. Thank you for having enough of a mind and soul to care. 🤗👍
If I had time, I’d maybe tell the dude to wait outside, then get my loafers, walk with him to the shop and buy a meal. Strangers in my house? No thank you. Good way to get robbed in my neighborhood.
There are free showers and halfway houses around here, so getting shower wouldn’t be a reason to knock on the door, I think.
Optimally, we should be housing everybody as its been proven time and time again how much cheaper it is than leaving people homeless. It’s what I vote for every time, but somehow people are just too selfish.
Nice try, you filthy Hobo!