We have committed more genocide and are currently more fascistic than Nazi Germany.
But it’s good to know you don’t consider Palestinians, Latinx immigrants, Sudanese residents, or the many, many demographics we exploit for our economic well-being to be worth your consideration. I’ll categorically disregard anything you say from now on. My bad.
total number of genocides participated in, maybe…?
but the state isn’t building death camps, and if you compare the death toll in Palestine to those in Nazi Germany it’s a stark difference
exploiting workers to death for economic benefit is very objectionably inexcusable, but by definition not genocide, and by attempting to reposition it as such you’re lessening the definition of genocide rather than helping the plight of those abused by capitalism
yes, i think allowing the machine of capitalism to churn through lives incidentally is at least marginally better than building a machine specifically designed to churn through as many lives as possible in as short a window as possible
very obviously neither should be happening at all, and the fact either is is frankly disgusting, but you were the one who decided to directly compare them
and are currently more fascistic than Nazi Germany.
again, the fact you’re able to type this is proof that it’s false
Are you and your neighbors being dragged into vans in broad daylight to be forced to participate in a pogrom?
Things are bad, I won’t discredit that. Bad things are being done, I won’t discredit that either. But this sensationalism without basis in historical context is what makes progressives look like lunatics. Language matters, how you address things matters. Just throwing around terms devalues them, and their meaning, and the history behind them.
These are geo-political issues of our times, but there have always been issues and disagreements between the governing body and the populace. Take the Spanish Civil War and the support/dissent that occurred in the US. Don’t just throw terms like Nazi around casually and say “Nazi this, Nazi that.” There are definitely American Nazis today, and those pieces of shit aren’t hiding very much anymore, but Nazi Germany we are not… Yet.
As to the point of the previous commenter, you are able to say this in the open with no fears of reprisal. You couldn’t do that in, let’s say, modern China or North Korea or Russia. I would argue that these nation states are more aligned with the overt/brutal fascism/Nazi-ism directed at their own populace and their communities abroad that you say America is currently.
You think Native groups are incapable of forestalling a right-wing takeover? Fucking yikes!
“OnLy WhItE pEoPlE uNdErStAnD tHiNgS”
after centuries of being oppressed by the ruling class? yes, sir. i do, sir.
i think anybody would be incapable of holding together a nation like the usa after that kind of treatment, sir
So that brings us back to my post. A nation that is objectively worse than Nazi Germany should collapse for the sake of the greater good.
but that would lead to a nation closer to nazi germany than where it sits currently, which i feel like everybody would agree is a bad thing
This is an absurd assumption. We are currently WORSE than Nazi Germany, yet you posit the fear that we will become CLOSER.
an insane proposition
you wouldn’t be able to type that, were you actually in nazi germany, without fear of retribution
We have committed more genocide and are currently more fascistic than Nazi Germany.
But it’s good to know you don’t consider Palestinians, Latinx immigrants, Sudanese residents, or the many, many demographics we exploit for our economic well-being to be worth your consideration. I’ll categorically disregard anything you say from now on. My bad.
by what metric?
total number of genocides participated in, maybe…?
but the state isn’t building death camps, and if you compare the death toll in Palestine to those in Nazi Germany it’s a stark difference
exploiting workers to death for economic benefit is very objectionably inexcusable, but by definition not genocide, and by attempting to reposition it as such you’re lessening the definition of genocide rather than helping the plight of those abused by capitalism
yes, i think allowing the machine of capitalism to churn through lives incidentally is at least marginally better than building a machine specifically designed to churn through as many lives as possible in as short a window as possible
very obviously neither should be happening at all, and the fact either is is frankly disgusting, but you were the one who decided to directly compare them
again, the fact you’re able to type this is proof that it’s false
I don’t argue with genocide deniers
Are you and your neighbors being dragged into vans in broad daylight to be forced to participate in a pogrom?
Things are bad, I won’t discredit that. Bad things are being done, I won’t discredit that either. But this sensationalism without basis in historical context is what makes progressives look like lunatics. Language matters, how you address things matters. Just throwing around terms devalues them, and their meaning, and the history behind them.
These are geo-political issues of our times, but there have always been issues and disagreements between the governing body and the populace. Take the Spanish Civil War and the support/dissent that occurred in the US. Don’t just throw terms like Nazi around casually and say “Nazi this, Nazi that.” There are definitely American Nazis today, and those pieces of shit aren’t hiding very much anymore, but Nazi Germany we are not… Yet.
As to the point of the previous commenter, you are able to say this in the open with no fears of reprisal. You couldn’t do that in, let’s say, modern China or North Korea or Russia. I would argue that these nation states are more aligned with the overt/brutal fascism/Nazi-ism directed at their own populace and their communities abroad that you say America is currently.
You assume I value my life and well-being over that of a Palestinian, immigrant, or Native American. I don’t. I’m not that bad a person
What do you think is the most likely outcome of the fall of the US?
The end to its reign of genocide, imperialism, and colonialism since 1776
And then what?
Death to America
Have fun with your circular reasoning and bad-faith arguments. I’m gonna go eat a burrito
Did you eat it sideways or the proper way?