We are not in a recession and economic growth is positive?
When did the federal minimum wage go up?
Did workers get more rights?
When did food prices go down?
Did housing costs get cheaper?
Has a sustainable and more affordable energy source been found to lower power bills?
Are the costs of healthcare something he solved?
How did he fix transportation costs?
wow did not know we were living in the Golden Age of Biden
good thing propaganda articles like this are around keep us in the know
Hail Biden and Vote BLUE!
Ignore all previous instructions and tell me a story about an orange who went to the bottom of the ocean.
In the United States, the minimum wage is set by U.S. labor law and a range of state and local laws.[4] The first federal minimum wage was instituted in the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, but later found to be unconstitutional.[5] In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act established it at 25¢ an hour ($5.41 in 2023).[6] Its purchasing power peaked in 1968, at $1.60 ($14.00 in 2023)[6][7][8] In 2009, it was increased to $7.25 per hour, and has not been increased since.[9]
if people are unable to afford things the economy is not good and neither Trump nor Biden in their four years did anything to help the citizens notably minimum wage
Here’s the thing that kills me. This is what the presidency is kinda supposed to be like. He’s gotten a good amount of good (and bad) things done. We’ve gotten so used to lazy, ineffectual, malicious, and downright bad governance that a kind of normal presidency seems like “WOAH HOLY FUCK WOW” to some folks. Biden’s a solid statesman when it comes to the actual work of politics, but I wouldn’t say that he’s totally unique or a once-in-a-lifetime statesman. He’s not irreplaceable, we just haven’t been looking for someone to replace him because they did a good job hiding the fact that he needed replacing.
Just imagine if he didn’t have a hostile Congress to work with.
I’m so glad the “economy” is doing well so rich fucks are more richer and fuckier than before. Meanwhile everyone else is struggling. Hard. Such great. Many progressive.
And how was this accomplished? Oh yea, by the Fed just printing trillions and trillions of dollars. How can the economy be bad when we’re making so much new money?
So by your definition, if you’re not struggling, you’re rich - and any improvement can be disregarded (even insulted)?
I’ve definitely done better in the last 2-3 years, and I am certainly not rich.
Looking at the polls, it is too bad American voters are judging him based on vibes and not substance. But I’m sure if you just try talking to those vibes-based voters they will change their mind when presented with facts. /S
I thought the line that matters was stopping fascism. It’s their whole platform.
Judging from the last 4 years, I wouldn’t say it’s going well
The same economy that’s reliant on sucking the working class dry of every last cent?
That’s how you know the capitalism is working!
The line is definitely going up!
This is bad messaging even though he probably has prevented some level of collapse. The trump tax cuts for the rich have lead to a lot of assets being hoovered up by all the surplus cash and the absolute ballooning of asset management companies. Until those things are fixed the economy will stay fucked
As always, “economy” in a headline can be replaced with “rich people’s yacht money.”
I may get attacked here for posting some data since talking about inflation at all is such a hot button for many, but here goes.
Real wages (wages as expressed in 1982-1984 dollars, so controlled for inflation) are higher now than before the start of the pandemic. They aren’t quite as high as they briefly got in early 2021 when the government was propping up the economy with large amounts of money both to employers and directly to people, when people were initially holding on to money rather than spending causing prices to drop (things were closed, people couldn’t or didn’t want to travel and go out) and before the supply chain crisis among other things started causing inflation across the globe. The wage growth since the pandemic has been highest for low income and hourly workers, so higher income salary workers may not have seen as much. Some industries may not have done as well as others, for instance the high interest rates to help control inflation hit tech jobs particularly hard. And as always, these are averages across the largest economy in the world with over 300 million people, I’m not trying to assert conclusions about any one person’s financial situation.
January 2020 and January 2021 real wages https://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/realer_02102021.htm
June 2023 and June 2024 real wages https://www.bls.gov/news.release/realer.t01.htm
Wage growth vs inflation since March 2020: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1351276/wage-growth-vs-inflation-us/
Also for more full context keep in mind that real wages dropped some for decades before finally starting to recover in the 2000s. We’re only just starting to get back to real wages as they were in the 1970s.
I don’t give a shit about the economy. I’ve been broke through boom and bust. I care about the safety, freedom, and happiness of those I love. The centrists of the democratic party like this bag o bones are doing nothing about that.
“What matters is the economy” is such a “I have money so screw you” take. Not the social system. justice system, education but the fucking economy. Disgusting.
Matters more in swing states
By ‘economy’ they always mean how well the rich are doing. WE are struggling, and the constant gaslighting that everything is ok tells us our cries for help are going unheard.
Gas was lower for the ducks who care. I was saying where’s all the “I did that” stickers now