I am cursed with this knowledge and now so are you
This better not awaken anything in me
it actually makes it easier to draw them visualizing it like that in your head
I am cursed with this relevant and more accurate image, so now you are as well 😔
Human, dog, horse, and flamingo comparison for those who are not aware.
I wonder if it feels like it looks. Does that feel like a really long foot?? 🦶
what does it even mean to feel like a foot?
Imagine if your feet were much longer and you walked on your toes, like that
About 12" 😉
Ask your mum
Yes! And they’re always walking on their middle fingers.
“Anatomical horse legs”
Thanks, I hate it
Actually, they’re running on fingertips with the hoof similar to the human nail.
For your viewing pleasure
Wow. Very interesting!
Isn’t that exactly what the picture is showing or am I missing something here.
Neigh. The picture is only showing from the (human) wrist down. Horse legs and most (all?) mammal quadruped legs actually pretty closely resemble each other.
Did the pinky and thumb just kinda disappear or are they even tinier than the ring and index equivalent?
It’s actually a really interesting question. It’s commonly believed that on horses the vestigial remnants of additional toes/hooves/foot structure are the chestnuts and ergots. The first known horse had 3 and 4 hooves per leg!
This is a trimmed chestnut. They grow a material similar to a nail or horse hoof - ergots are similar, but in a different location. When they get big you just peel or clip it off. They can smell a bit strong when you trim them, but hooves smell worse when the farrier comes out!
i was going to mention this, but you already nail it
Reminds me of a classic bit from a comedy podcast (My Brother, My Brother, and Me) https://youtu.be/6YqXXBKBPRI?si=_Bmjlr2LIQh56Fhi
Sometimes I crawl on all 4s and pretend I’m a horse.with 8 legs.