I got in trouble at work because I sent an email to my manager about some new servers that were being installed, but didn’t appear we had access to the management console. I let her know the entire team will need access so we could properly support the machines. I was pulled into a conversation… How dare I presume my direct manager who only managed my team, have any idea what we do!
(Lost all respect for her that exact moment)
I was interviewing for a job as a movie theater manager.
In my neck of the woods there’s a limited number of movie theaters, and everyone knows everyone else. So I was interviewing for the job when I’m told
“we heard through the grapevine that after you were fired from your last job you broke into the office and did something unspeakable on the carpet.”
I still ended up getting the job.
This is why I detest towns.
I mean, this was when I was living in a suburb of Cleveland OH. it’s not really a town thing so much as it’s an industry thing. I spent 20 years running movie theaters. I worked for all the chains, both national and local. Between managers and projectionists, everyone knew everyone else.
Cleveland OH
Where is that?
Which is where exactly?