You ever feel like you live in some sort of Murphy’s Law parallel universe, where the worst possible outcome of every major event happens?
How can I switch to the GOOD universe?
Turn off the Large Hadron Collider. All this shit started back when they turned it on 😉
But how does the LHC overlap with the Berenstain Bears and Fruit of the Loom cornucopia? ;)
Well, which circle of hell are you currently on? We need to ascertain that before you can formally appeal.
Checks notes on Earth simulation categories
I mean, considering all the fucked up shit that happened before I was even born I’d estimate we were in the 10000000000th circle.
That’s my house everyday
Yes, that is exactly how if feels.
I’m eager to hear the motivations of the shooter. It’s possible their motivations are highly irrational, and not what we assume.
The guy who shot Reagan was trying to impress Jodie Foster. It wouldn’t be unprecedented if it was motivated by something bizarre.
Karma needs more target practice
Looks like the bullet grazed his ear. He was about to get Kennedy’d.
(I hate the source, F this guy) but here’s him being ushered off the stage after…
Edit: his base is going to be insanely fired up now. I’m genuinely scared about what’s going to happen now. I can see it already “the deep state tried to stop him and God saved Trump!” ugh.
Can’t wait for the amped up christian nationalism…
The potential for backfire is massive. Of course in our timeline, Trump gets grazed in the ear. Stop teasing us.
I would honestly say the odds it was a failed genuine assassination attempt are slim to none. Doesn’t this feel far too convenient? We obviously know nothing now, but I feel like it’s gotta be the knee jerk assumption.
I agree. I think this is all a ploy for attention so he can look tough, and rile up his base. That is completely on brand.
What the fuck are you two smoking?
Trump is a known coward. If he didn’t know this was coming he’d have shit his pants and run offstage. His reaction is entirely unrealistic to the situation and how he is known to act.
For fucks sake he asked for his shoes and waited around for them before leaving the stage. Those are not the actions of a man who is being actively shot at.
Trump is a known coward. If he didn’t know this was coming he’d have shit his pants and run offstage. His reaction is entirely unrealistic to the situation and how he is known to act.
spoken like someone who has never been shot before…
I don’t see why Trump would really need to be in on it. Plenty of people stand to gain from a trump presidency, and I’m not sure an “accidentally successful staged assassination” would be that much worse.
We have prior footage of him dippin’, dodgin’ and duckin’ at rallies from noises. You’re right the reaction seems off. But he could be delirious due to his aged mental acuity.
Nothing. I’m just examining the situation, and asking who benefits.
Republicans love crying false flag. You should know by now they also love projection.
This is the absolute most insane take on this. Everything in the world isn’t some grand orchestrated plan.
Pinning for visibility, there was another thread I had pinned, then I saw this one was first and has more engagement.
Watching the coverage right now, as the (shots?) rang out, he grabbed his right ear just before the Secret Service took him down and hustled him off.
Official statement:
“An incident occurred the evening of July 13 at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service has implemented protective measures and the former President is safe. This is now an active Secret Service investigation and further information will be released when available.”
Audio reads “shooter is down” and there are reports of someone in custody.
Edit Definitely blood on his right ear. Just got a better look at it, top of his right ear.
Can we all just calm down. Things are getting too crazy. Violence is not the way to go.
You’re only allowed to be violent if you’re a right winger. If you’re a leftie, the voting booths and protest signs are over there.
Good luck.
All the mass casualty events we have to suffer and here we have a psychopath who can’t aim. Such a shame.
Finally someone uses their gun for its constitutional purpose.
Like the founding fathers would have wanted
BBC has a guy saying they saw the shooter on the roof of a house nearby:
Biden’s official statement:
He’s in a video conference now.
"I have been briefed on the shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania.
I’m grateful to hear that he’s safe and doing well. I’m praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally, as we await further information.
Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There’s no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it."
You know what’s sad about this?
If the roles were reversed, Trump would be offering the shooter a posthumous pardon and probably a medal. And no, I’m not joking. Trump would never be seen giving someone else the respect he demands from others.
Which is why Trump hasn’t answered Bidens call…
I want Dark Brandon in the next debate “Let me say it again, in your good ear this time…”
Oh god please let this happen
Exactly right.
They get the fucker?
Nah, only grazed his ear.
Shooter is reported dead.
I’m confused how the shooter who was said to be a sniper on a rooftop several hundred yards away AND a bystander dies at the same time?
A secret service sniper responding to the shots?…
CNN is quoting local authorites saying the shooter +1 attendee are both dead.
So, no.😞
There’s an extended video that shows a lift spewing hydraulic fluid with one more gunshot. I’m guessing homie moved and the secret service donated a bit more lead.
I saw that, was that not a water mister to keep the crowd cool?
You can see the lift falling as it sprays. That would be a badass way to cool down, tho:
Tecumseh’s curse is coming back.
It stumbled in 1980, as Reagan was shot, but survived. George W Bush wasn’t affected. Now Trump has been shot, but survived.
It’s gonna kill whoever is president in 2040.
Yeah, but Trump wasn’t elected in 2020…
Tecumseh thinks the 2020 election was rigged.
I laughed
I’m so scared of its global consequences.
CNN is confirming gunfire.
CNN: shooter is dead and one bystander is dead as well.
Yup. CNN interviewed a witness who stated one man was shot in the head and killed instantly while a woman hit in the forearm and hand.
Worthless asshole just gave him the election.
He should’ve practiced more