[Image description: four zucchinis, each larger than garden shears, are on my dining table and are fated to become relish]
“It” being that part of the season when you’ve got to check cucurbits twice a day (for us, at least)
[Image description: four zucchinis, each larger than garden shears, are on my dining table and are fated to become relish]
“It” being that part of the season when you’ve got to check cucurbits twice a day (for us, at least)
Looking good!
Little bit jealeous though, instead of zucchini flood we got snails and slug flood this year. They disappeared all the zucchini plants completely overnight. :–/
That’s no fun! Do you still have time in the season for some quick to maturity squashes? I read somewhere that slugs don’t like one of the plant compounds in grass and I can anecdotally confirm that I’ve had next to no slug pressure on the ones that are being mulched with grass. It might be worth an experiment where you are
I could go check the nursery nearby if they have some, good idea! Might just be a few left.