FWIW, I had a subscription over a decade ago. I can’t say I ever thought of it as “Left”, it was at best, corporate center. But it definitely has gone more right as it has also gone more sensationalist. They partnered with Daily Beast for a while, and then were sold to IBT media, an international “news and Information” conglomerate. I think your memories are from the old hard journalism days, and they have gone back to corporate, but corporate-right.
FWIW, I had a subscription over a decade ago. I can’t say I ever thought of it as “Left”, it was at best, corporate center. But it definitely has gone more right as it has also gone more sensationalist. They partnered with Daily Beast for a while, and then were sold to IBT media, an international “news and Information” conglomerate. I think your memories are from the old hard journalism days, and they have gone back to corporate, but corporate-right.
Yeah I member when newsweek would find an excuse to put Jesus’ face on the cover ever other week.
I could have sworn previously that maggot chuds used to call it NewsWeak. Guess new ownership had different plans