The motive behind Jovanovic’s actions was reportedly her fear that motherhood would jeopardise her professional career as a lawyer for a prestigious car brand.
The motive behind Jovanovic’s actions was reportedly her fear that motherhood would jeopardise her professional career as a lawyer for a prestigious car brand.
Hmmm. It looks like Germany has fairly strict limits on the availability of abortion; it’s on-demand up to 12 weeks, but requires mandatory counseling first. It seems like perhaps expanding abortion access to on-demand up to the point of realistic fetal viability and eliminating the counseling requirement might–might–have led to a different outcome here.
I wonder if she had attempted to terminate her pregnancy prior to this point?
For the people saying that she should have just adopted the infant: that’s extremely difficult for someone to do, even if they know that they don’t want a child or are not capable of caring for it. I’ve seen multiple teens end up keeping children that they didn’t plan on, didn’t want, and had no means to care for, all because they couldn’t go through with an adoption in the end.
If you can’t stand to give your baby up, you’re also not going to be willing to throw it out the window
I’ve empathy for the hypothetical individuals you present. They love their children so much that they can’t give them up. I even know someone who lived a similar experience and also know their now-adult children.
But, that’s not what happened here. This woman cared so little for vulnerable humans that she threw one out of a moving vehicle.
Building. She threw it out of her apartment.
The government has called up an expert committee and asked for their opinion on potential reforms.
The report came in April, and it strongly suggests making it actually legal in the first 12 weeks (it is currently only decriminalized) and getting rid of the mandatory counseling. They leave it up to the lawmakers to deal with week 12 to 22 (where the fetus starts being able to sustain itself).
The government has not yet started on n implementing this, however.