There is literally 0 chance the area I live in will be blue. Does me going out and voting actually do anything besides add to the popular vote tally?
Always vote. Progressives lose elections because 30% of any population votes for the conservative at every single election, no matter what, like it’s a religion. Progressives need a culture that says: ALWAYS VOTE. It doesn’t fucking matter if it doesn’t fucking matter. Vote anyway. Let your kids see you voting like it’s actually important. Make it important.
One of the best comments I’ve seen here. Kudos
Remember that the president isn’t the only thing on the ballot.
Don’t give up on fighting fascism from your school board up to your state reps. If you organize/join existing groups, you can make your voice heard.
Absolutely yes. Every vote for Democrats is a vote against Trump. He has such a weak ego, your one vote along with millions of other votes against him will drive him crazy. Death by 81,283,098 cuts.
A vote for Biden is a vote against trump Where as a vote for no one is a vote that benefits trump because there’s no one voting against him
I’m in a similar situation and will vote more according to my actual politcal preferences than vote blue no matter who. Edit: The left will never rise above this vote blue no matter who statement unless we start voting for the future that we wish to see.
Getting you to feel like your vote is meaningless is how they win.
Yes it absolutely makes a difference. Also make sure you are voting in all elections, local elections are just as important as the national elections.
Every vote for Biden in Steubenville is another vote that somebody in Cleveland doesn’t have to counter, so yes, vote.
The electrical vote is state by state (with two states, Maine and Nebraska divying all but two of those votes one per congressional district), so your vote in a swing state matters.
Might nudge Ohio blue a little. Unlikely to change Ohio’s end result, since Vance is from Ohio, but better than not trying.
Find a little pride in doing your part to make the country better.
We need as many votes against the bad man as possible to help counter his lies about stolen elections. Yes, it matters that hard numbers can be referenced when backing up facts. I don’t like the guy I have to vote for but I’ll still vote for him even in my deeply blue state (Calif)
While you might be right, it is a civic duty to vote. Your mindset is too dangerous, which is why the right-wing trolls try pushing it. Voting even why you know it won’t make a difference is the most basic thing you can do to push back. Who knows what could happen if we get enough people out of that mindset. Simply voting, regardless of who for, is an event that every American should take pride in.
As long as you have a valid ID and registered voter… yep <3
Voting gives you the right to complain. If you don’t vote, you lose that right.
You should absolutely vote. It should be considered a responsibility by all citizens!
Your vote will factor in to how the EC vote goes for Ohio regardless of what Reps get the vote in your district.
Locally, I suppose even if there is no chance for your district to swing blue, a large showing might have a positive effect getting local Repubs to chill on the fascism. Like maybe get a hint that Ohio residents don’t want restrictions on their ballot initiatives.