My favorites are the cherry tomatoes- can’t make up my mind on a single best, though. Blomdkopfchen roast amazing well (or grill!) where Amy’s Apricots do well in salads. Want to get my hands on some black cherries, though.
Chadwick’s are of course the old stand by in my greenhouse.
If you like beefsteaks, have you tried brandywine? They’re our favorite burger slicer here. (And oxhearts for saucing)
My favorites are the cherry tomatoes- can’t make up my mind on a single best, though. Blomdkopfchen roast amazing well (or grill!) where Amy’s Apricots do well in salads. Want to get my hands on some black cherries, though.
Chadwick’s are of course the old stand by in my greenhouse.
If you like beefsteaks, have you tried brandywine? They’re our favorite burger slicer here. (And oxhearts for saucing)
I think you’re responding to yourself.