• steventrouble@programming.dev
    21 days ago

    You provided no evidence to dispute my source saying it’s .2%, and are now distracting from my initial point which was that the actual statistic is extremely low.

    I think it’s safe to assume that I’ve proven my point and that you’re now just trying to save face or evangelize your political position with zero real evidence. Whatever floats your butt.

    Also please cut it out with the insults, it’s hurtful. I’m human too, you know. You calling me names isn’t helping convince anyone outside of your doomerist echo chamber.

      • steventrouble@programming.dev
        21 days ago

        Here’s a wild statistic for you: locally, 100% of houses in this area are owned by a single person. Isn’t that insane? So by comparison, Atlanta is actually pretty low.

        Is there an issue with my stat above? Well, that’s the issue with your local stats. They sound large, but you need to account for the larger context or you’ll just be citing meaningless numbers.

        But you don’t seem to actually care about real life. You’re just citing more and more doomerist propaganda that demoralizes people into not taking action.

        • shylosx@lemmy.world
          21 days ago

          That’s a bad-faith comparison and shows you are unserious about the very real issue some localities face with investment firms holding “cheap” single family homes as indefinite rental income, or just butthurt my data disproved your application of a BROAD GENERALIZATION to a specific region. Likely the latter.

          • steventrouble@programming.dev
            21 days ago

            No, you’re putting words in my mouth. I never said that local monopolies weren’t a problem. They can be and often are a problem.

            All I said was that the actual statistic is much lower, and pushed back against your claims when you said I was wrong. Now that I’ve proven your argument was wrong, you’ve walked back your claims and moved the goalposts to distract from the fact that you were initially wrong.

            It seems like you’re getting defensive. Nobody, myself included, cares that your argument was wrong. Please just stop pushing misinformation.

            • shylosx@lemmy.world
              21 days ago

              The actual statistic NATIONALLY is lower because it is an aggregation of MULTIPLE MARKETS. If you want to find out what is happening in a local market you look at the local statistics if available which is what I provided you.

              You have not proven me wrong lol. I gave you the research laid out proving three entities, through almost 200 shell companies and LLCs, own 1 out of every 9 single family homes in the metro Atlanta area. That is the ONLY argument I was making - that in the ATL market the percentage is much higher than 0.2%.

              You can say “no u rong me rite durrrrr” all you want but you are undeniably incorrect about what I said.

              Your condescending tone is noted so I’ll just be insulting now: you are a fucking idiot who is so butthurt I provided evidence against your non-factual claim that locally the percentage is the same that you’ve elected to stick your dumb cunt fingers in your digital ears and go LALAALALALALALALALALAA like a jackass. Fuck off.

              ETA: FROM YOUR OWN FUCKING LINK YOU ABSOLUTE BRAINLET: “The analysis found that the investors were heavily concentrated in some fast-growing areas, such as Atlanta and Jacksonville, Fla. Institutional investors own 10 percent of all single-family rental properties in Atlanta and 8.5 percent in Jacksonville, the study said.”

              GEE who was right? Certainly not you ya fuckin troglodyte

              • steventrouble@programming.dev
                21 days ago

                Wow, you sound angry. You should get that checked out. Don’t hurt yourself.

                You’re continuing to defend yourself, despite the fact that I clearly proved you wrong. And you just keep quoting the article rather than coming up with any reasonable defenses to your claims. It’s clear you’re not capable of thinking for yourself, and I’m sorry for you.

                Stay in school kids.

                • shylosx@lemmy.world
                  21 days ago

                  “Wow you sound angry” yeah dealing with braindead morons does make me angry, particularly when they argue a point their own fucking article disproves…

                  I gave you data for the market I was talking about. Your own article gave you data for the market I was talking about. Who did it align with? Yours or mine? I’ll give you a hint, not yours. “Stay in school” your dumb ass can’t read.

                  The “thinking for yourself” quip is a mask slipping moment for you. Denying reality must be fun.

                  • steventrouble@programming.dev
                    21 days ago

                    I never asked for data from your market, you just kept throwing it at me as though it proved your point. It didn’t.

                    Chill out, seriously, you sound like you’re going to hurt someone. If you’re getting angry with someone, don’t just rage at them. Take a break from the computer and collect yourself.