This woman IS deranged. It’s hilarious that she’s demanding a timetable for anything from anyone and assuming she is a person of any consequence.
This woman IS deranged. It’s hilarious that she’s demanding a timetable for anything from anyone and assuming she is a person of any consequence.
I mean, even if I thought that, I’m smart enough to know that if I said it out loud, Biden could appear the next day and make me look like a complete idiot
They just double down and will call Biden a skin walker or Ai replacement.
Shit, I’m not sure that espousing conspiracy theories and lobbing insults at President Werewolf is the best play
“Skin Walker: Texas Skin Ranger”
I formally apologize to the oldest and most successful member of the furry community.
Which is the height of irony since Trump died of COVID on October 3, 2020 at Walter Reed and he had his corpse reanimated via an evil pact with a demon.
No self respecting demon would conduct business with a conman like that.
Pissing in the wind. Every breath they spend talking about Biden is one not talking about Harris
Their still deciding if they want to take a racist or sexist position.