• the_doktor@lemmy.zip
    20 days ago

    Parking lots have special spots for people with mobility issues right up front. Can you stop lying to promote your nightmarish, dystopian anti-car future, you ableist pricks?

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      19 days ago

      You’re not going to believe this, but buses, trains, and planes also have special seating and services for people with mobility issues.

      The big difference is that you don’t need to go out of pocket for your own bespoke mobility friendly automobile to use the bus.

      Can you stop lying

      Where did I lie? Show your work.

      • the_doktor@lemmy.zip
        19 days ago

        I’m sorry, but last time I checked, buses, trains, and planes didn’t go DIRECTLY TO THE PLACE YOU NEED TO GO. YOU HAVE TO GET OFF AND KEEP GOING TO THE ACTUAL LOCATION YOU NEED TO GET TO.

        God fucking goddamn fucking shitlord fuck ass cuntlicking FUCK, you people never end with your bullshit that would stop if you took two goddamn SECONDS to think about what you’re saying and realize how laughably horrible it is. The problem is, you don’t care. You want people with mobility issues to suffer and not be able to participate in society. You ENJOY being hateful, elitist, ableist assholes. So yep. Fuck you. Fuck you and your goddamn hatred. You wanna take me down because I’m attacking you? Excuse the fuck out of me, who’s attacking who here? I’m the person that is being attacked by your very attitudes and words and trying to get the world to exclude us. Sound familiar? It’s racism and sexism all over again.

        Go to hell.

        • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
          19 days ago

          last time I checked, buses, trains, and planes didn’t go DIRECTLY TO THE PLACE YOU NEED TO GO. YOU HAVE TO GET OFF AND KEEP GOING TO THE ACTUAL LOCATION YOU NEED TO GET TO.

          When you build a community around mass transit, these services do in fact drop you off directly at your destination.

          Check out Terminal Tower in Cleveland, Ohio. A 52-story skyscraper built directly above the Cleveland Union Terminal. Penn Station, NY is directly across the street from Madison Square Garden and in the beating heart of the city’s largest shopping quarter. Transbay Transit Center in San Fransisco is surrounded by enormous apartment blocks. And these are in the states, where our transit networks generally suck.

          Tokyo’s Metro has an entire in-built navigation system for the blind, with metro stops at some of the densest housing, retail, and business districts in the world. There is nowhere else in the world you would rather be wheelchair bound, sightless, or otherwise disabled.

          The dirty secret about mass transit is that it encourages dense urban development. And, as a consequence, it reduces the total distance traveled from your front door to your destination. This, combined with large public municipal works friendly to disabled individuals, means you can leverage economies of scale in public investment rather than being forced to take up the entire burden of your disability on your own shoulders.

          Elevators are the most efficient and disability friendly forms of mass transit. But they’re enormously expensive for individuals to build and maintain.

          I’m the person that is being attacked by your very attitudes and words

          If you feel attacked because I’m suggesting meaningful improvements to your quality of life, I have to question what your end goal is.

          Are you sadistically inflicting misery upon yourself? Or are you simply burned out from all the individualized burdens of disability heaped upon the individual in a society that refuses to invest in high quality mass transit on a national scale?

          Either way, I believe you’ve fallen to a kind of car-owner Stockholm Syndrome. Trapped in a machine that tortures you for so long you’ve lost sight of the scars.

          Go to hell.

          I’m in Houston. Hell would be an improvement.